I woke up... Like EXTREMELY SORE! Omfg I never thought I would ever be sore after dance well I guess I haven't done this for a while and hurdling myself over mats of 20 min is always fun ❤ umm so yeah I was pretty damn lazy today just taking it easy so I had the largest doughnut bun on earth on my head so when it came to gym I couldn't get up into a scorpion because my big ass bin was in the damn way! Lolololol so I took it out in the middle of gym.. -.- I think we have a lot to catch up on... So yeah I goofed around and did a long stretch so I
Practiced and I couldn't get a damn thing! Like nothing!! So I'm like okay round off Russian so than a teacher came up and like started talking to me and he's like all spot u.. And im all like no! I leggit like barked no at him, than said I will hit u in the face if u do like in a walkover so yeah I'm awkward that was cuz he was saying to stay in a bigger split in the walkover but I'm a lefty and only have my right leg splits lol so yeah! I just said I'll do a switch split back walkover. So a different teacher called me over and told me to show my teacher my round off Russian. So I did than asked her If I could do my sue-aside (my spell checks being wankie) she said sure I tried taking more steps but only walked the steps so it didn't make a difference.. Thud a HUGE ASS THUD! Lol I bet people looked at me so lost looking but like errgggg I messed up do yeah lol than it was time to clean up... So yeah I went home and figured out I get to dance!!!❤❤❤❤
So that's about it..

Black On White (day by day jernal)
Literatura FaktuThis is my legit life no lie this is my diary lol Im 14 and have super great friends more than friends like family till my dad want to move he gets a job in northern Alberta in October I have to start new first impressions I suck at. How can I fix m...