November 2 2012 part 2

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We just got back from the multiplex it was amazing as usually the water wasn't as worm as I rember but once I got use to the water it was nice I never got cold we went on the tubes down the slide I went down with Steve and we flipped the tube that was one of the best times. Than the guys started to let the other person go down alone on the two people tubes run than jump and slide down to it Steve let me try as I hit my head really hard lol it made me feel woozy but it got better quickly it was very fun for me. We took a cracked racket and a flat ball and played that game crap I just forgot the name of it but I'm a room hitting the ball ya well that was fun but we weren't aloud but ya know.I went back home at 7 and slept over at my nabors we watched tv and than fell asleep.

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