September 9th 2013

23 0 0



So I talked to him yea him that him that I really like....

He was on Facebook when I was

Than we went off line and than my Friends replayed than he came back online and I said hey and he replied!!!!!! Holly mother fuckers!

So he made the boys volleyball team.... Holly shit I actually never expected that...idk why but yea

And I told him bout my vacation and what where doing lol.

So yea we swapped instagrams!

So he asked me if I was single....

I said yea than asked of he was...

Nope he's taken -.-

But he's not aloud to say who he's dating his girlfriend dosent want anyone to know witch I don't understand like I wouldn't ever be imbarested to the point of not letting ppl know and especially not him like I would be freaking proud! Lol but that's just me I guess... But ya know that just killed me but I played it kewl but ya know me that's impossible cuz I'm actually a dumbshit and don't know how to talk to people lol thank god internet.... But he was replying like quite quickly I gotta admit till like half an hour ago wait 33 min ago he read my message and freaking never replayed witch ya know I just wanna rip his face off I guess that's how I feel bout ppl reading and not replying and I feel that way about everyone who does that I just can't get mad at him or tell him my hate for what he's doing without ya know him thinking I'm an utter spaz lol but he's still on line!!!!

So yea idk I know this is soooo bad but he kinda goes threw girls quickly but longer than any of my past fails of so idk I guess I just gotta stay kewl and fresh? Ahahahahah!!! Ya I'm kewl !!! And off line he went ...... No byes..., fuck! Hate that shit...well I got my dumbshit outfit ready for tomorrow and I know I'm not gonna sleep now...idk if I messed up or some shit fuck I'm already over thinking ..... Fuck!!!!! Like idk anymore! Urg I really like him but I know I can't and my feeling have to wait till he's single ....although I don't want to!!!!!

Like ya know what I mean I just wish I knew who it was that he's dating......

Oh so on to non stalker ish shit..... In gym I catched a football and ran it over the line.. Ya great English ikr... So that made me feel good..... Like bout myself and like 4 ppl told me I smelt good so yea that's like my life is smells and teeth ad hair..... Like honestly there's this one guy in my class who like always smells good!! And oh my f like it changes a perspective on a person lol but yea k so I gotta just gotta tell kellie tomorrow but I can't like in the car cuz her moms there and not durring school cuz there's ppl.. And like idk she's been having problems so I gotta like help her and I know she doesn't like the guy I like like I don't think she's even to okay with me liking him but I ask her and she says it's okay so idk imma go for it I told her she can tell me if she doesn't like me liking him or whatever...

Now I'm over thinking....

Idk anymore...

Little bugger should talk to me tomorrow lol so I stop over thinking and shit like that that will stop my sleeping -.- like tonight...other than I'm deadly tired ill try to sleep tho...


Other than that idk much more kids from my school where spray painting benches and one had a quick hi convo with kellie..... So yea I think that was good for her and got her mind off everything ...

So thanks to the motherfuckers who talked to me when I was in panic (Brandi) than followed by another (narsh) who the two if them convinced me to talk to him and I can't thank them enough !!!!!!

And I can tell something more is up with kellie than what she told me cuz I said hey ( ya know leaning in to start to panic to her) when she replayed with goodnight.....


Oh okay goodnight I said bak or some shit like than than my others helped...

So imma get it outta kellie so she's better....I can honestly tell since than She has changed like majorly!!!!! And ya know it scares me being a friend....

So ill get down to that tomorrow but atm in 10 min (11:11) imma sleep....



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