Augest 30th 2013

23 0 0

So apparently I can't type anymore

Thank god for spell cheack !!!

So where out camping

Kellie and I

And where on the other side of the bridge it's really different and muddy and wet.... It was still raining when we got here and not lightly

We went in the river tho....

There's this really nice girl here she looks alot like Jessie J ....the gurl that songs dominos if u dident know

Yea she's kellies age and she LOVES MUD TOO!!

Ya so we all when like up and down a clay cliff it was sold because of the rain.than we ate and chilled by the fire and played football than we watched a movie almost 2 in kellies aunts trailer till it got to late and we had to go back to our own and that's where I am now...

Kellie was txting during the last movie.

Not like I could stop her I tryed

But I BURNT MY FUCKING FINGER!!!!!!!!like a dumbass of course.,..

On a light -.-

IT FUCKING HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's swollen big its the knuckle of my middle finger on my left hand....

So kellie and I figured out why I can't get a boyfriend and why boys don't like me.,...

It's because I don't have a cute laugh

Honestly my laugh is the most jacked up thing anyone could ever hear...

Honestly I could win a world record on most ugliest laugh

But I love it I think it's hilarious!!!!

Well I'm gonna go play minion rush!!



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