June 29th 2013

32 0 0

Hey guys so um yeah I'm camping again but Kim is hear too and Steve so we went on an adventure today we went down 3 sets of rapids ohh .... I forgot to say that I'm at a place where where at a river and I actually go in all tho it's cold but ya know its really fun.... So we went all the way down to this cabin and yea we ended up on this wall like thingy and it was like extremely hard on the feet like legit it felt worse than like indevidual tacs going into every inch of both feel like death!! So yea it's actually the 39th but it's 12:???? Am so I'm just counting at as yeasterday because its yesterday's story.... Than we walked back today we tackled some filming for OnlyUsss ❤ for all of us .... Also we fit two people on one raft and yea death but so fun !! I fell lol umm yea but it was funny ad fun for the most part I love mud !!!!! So much well ur gonna die soon so yea ill be back tomorrow to talk in more detail ❤ holly shit!!! I'm dreams here! What the duck kinda luck! Like holly shit I'm yea he's been riding around all day on a dirt bike with his brother.... So yea I haven't seen or met him but I'm yea that my goal I can't let this opportunity slip if u where me would you? So yea gtg ttyl



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