December 24th 2013

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So before tomorrow and I get more memories and information,... I just wanted to say my dreams.... so as I said I had another dream about cute kid when I thought I was over him .. well back a couple days ago I went to kellies and that night I had another dream about cute kid we where walking home .. kellie and I and he was in front of us and she went up and started telling him everything good about me and that we should date ....

Than my phone and kellie woke me up... I went back to bed and had a dream about that happy camper... what? but yea we where on a school camping trip and narsh was there and him and I where flirting... then he crawled into my bed that I was sharing with narsh and went in the side of me so he was only beside me .... what?

So what does that mean who do I even like?

Well I'm not really worrying about that Christmas is tomorrow I've had so far a good break I did a hair treatment ..fell in love with a punching bag like thing and got one in my room played games with kellie and her family one night than slept over than today we did a little gift exchange and god that girl knows me! like she got me a gorgeous necklace like gold with red stones and its an elephant witch I love elephants I have pants and shirts with elephants on them so clearly it's actually perf. so yea I can say I can't sleep also I over heated my computer so it shut off on me so I guess that's a sign to ya know write or go to bed ...but I'm not tired so ill just write for a while and just yeah.

I've had my punching bag for like 3 days and I've worn the padding ( really heavy thick padding) out of the knuckles of the gloves... woopsy .. but it's like therapy it work out my whole body I've got a flat stomach now and bigger arms ,better punches, a strong back ( super sore now) and some curves?? What what!? well yea there's no boxing clubs in my town so yea ill just wait till next year to dance again. I'm really exited for my pagent that's coming up soon and my trip to Edmonton on the 29th-31st

Ill do some vlogging ..

Sugar I forgot to upload my last day of school video #slacker.. lol

I'm really bord but I don't feel like writing on steps tonight tho.... I will after the Christmas fais passes kk.



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