January 5 2013 lots of catchup

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Holly shit! It's 2013 gonna be so awkward putting that after the date-.- well holly shit it's been a long time! Like since I last wrote so ill be back imma check out that day the last time I wrote to u well that was a "different" post... Just me rambling well lets go to December 24 2012 .... I I wake up to my mother hitting my lights and yelling at me ( off topic from that day but ATM my friend is spamming my Facebook -.- wow... So distracting back to topic) I'm half awake , what's burning she says ... We wake up it smells a little funny.... I look down and I looked at all the blankets I placed beside my bad n the floor from tak!ng down the fort , the electric blanket had cough on fire and started burning other blankets..... I tell my mother she goes and takes them away she turns back off my lights ad I go back to bed.... So Christmas Eve after I woke up I cleaned as parents where at work ps... I clean the house top to bottom moping and all everyday of the holidays...-.- mom and dad got home and we ate my brother so spastic we went down stairs to open gifts our gramma and grampa had sent out we went on speaker phone with them as we opened the gifts it wasn't the same but I imagined them sitting aside us and watching smiles across these faces watching as the lights glazed in the reflection of there eyes and all of us together, as a family ...I don't know it's just not the same ...but over all it was good not the best in any way my big gift from them was cats tickets and I dosent rlly want to go my mother talked about going every freaking day! But ya know I acted exited just I don't know I'm exited to go to it just maybe I'm down from them not being there or being lonely ....so I put on the onesy I got and put the tickets in my window ledge , I kinda just organized with the smell of the candle not helping my room smelling like shit! Freaking the worst scent of burnt hair burnt blanket and burnt plastic-.- not fun so I got sent to bed wait we dragged my brothers matrices into my room for an easer camp out ...that night I didn't sleep Tried to but dident playlist replay replay replay same songs for the whole night I hear ppl with wrapped gifts coming up the stars and hear someone come into my room...so instead of being an idiot and looking to see who t was I pretended to sleep as something that made crinkly paper ,plastic sounds so I hear the person go down the stairs and I look to see what it was a stocking I look at my iPod to see what time it was 8:03 am I wake up my brother and we sit together and wait till 9 than I txt my parents and we go downstairs and being them upstairs to open gifts,so we do I got some good stuff but it was Steve's year to get the big nice gifts not me.... We usually both get equal but nope he got a laptop I got a 40$ piercing and not we're I wanted-.- like I'm happy but if I don't want a certain piercing that I'm not aloud to take out if they pay for t and I'm only aloud my belly witch I soul dent get cuz of dance and having to roll on my belly in 2 weeks not 6 months for it to heal and not hurt to put all my body weight on and roll on and off of...I also got an earring dragon wrap that dosnt fit -.- who knows if they can fix it for it to fit... We went over to the pats house for the rest of the day.... We ate ... Went home ohhh.. Taxied it home first time in one and it was mom, dad, Steve ,dog and I all in a little taxi also the driver ....I slept...boxing day .....we went to see if I could get my piercing my stupid belly nope piercer wasn't there.... Okay went home got frost burn ....it was cold ....next day my little city was the second coolest place on the whole planet ..wasn't aloud outside..umm Friday ,day of piercing, buddy came over than we went to the mall for my piercing ,we signed all the papers they don't do the belly piercing I want witch is two holes on top and bottom connected by an industrial bar curved to fit a belly piercing, so I go and be different getting the bottom not top pierced, wearing a tight shirt NO never do that!! So we ate and about my piercing....so she stuck the needle threw I'm thinking in my head ohh its threw already? Pop! Now it is! Yes as it went threw the other side my belly button popped my friend buddy even herd it! Yep so that was different we went shopping buddy and I yeah we ...shopped,., we got home and watched dance moms on the computer all night lol....next day buddy went home... So keys just go to New Year's Eve I want to my brothers crushes house for the night ... It was not the best they hacked my fb and messages ppl -.- fml -.- so than we watched Wreck it Ralph .omg I'm not a cartoon or Disney person but best movie ever! So little thing bout that I'm not gonna spoil it but I have a little cartoon crush like love this little cartoon of "fix it Felix" yeah so when u see it, fix it Felix looks like quiff kid not outfit but face and hair cuz quiff kid has no quiff but that hair now ... So yeah..I there anyone awkwarder than me? Crushing on a cartoon like rlly I'm 13! So let's just skip a couple days later its 10:30 pm let the dog out dad tells upstairs to me.so I open the bak patio door and let chase out, the cat runs out I run and get her , there's ambers on the deck like red, I look closer there's a hole burnt threw the deck ! I yell down the stairs , "there's a hole burnt threw the deck" what? "Yeah there's a hole burnt threw the deck!" Come up and see! So dad dose the ashes from the morning had burnt threw the deck if anyone else let chase out the deck and house would be gone burnt down! So yeah . So tomorrow where gonna se of my earring can be fixed and where gonna go shopping and being productive.. For once, oh yeah I dyed my hair, myself, a dark burgundy deep red, with my underpanel and streak bleached to a lemonade yellow like super light blonde but not white , so yeah that's life so ✌🍉❤


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