November 21st 2013

17 0 0

wow so i went back and read that last 3 and my god i forot an important exitin thing but it might have happened after my last one seeming how long ago it was.... so praactically lets sum it up starting with yesterday ..... yesterday i got home from school and chopped wood and the log got stuck on the axe so i kept on hitting at the lo and it got loose and and idk what i did but my pinky finger got slammed between the lo on the axe and the cuttin block ... its tottaally fractured so i called my gramma emetidly when it happened cuz yea and yea... its still swollen up bier than my thumb and purple and bloody.... yea so its been indoor resses latley <3 thank the lord and ummm... staalker mode on like the first time (indoor) we walked around the track he ..... cute guy cuz i fiured out im not over him (tell ya later) but yea i always looked at him as we passed him 2nd day inside same deal but he follwed us around like once i went he did too with his friends not narshes man i dont think tho... i actually dident pay that much attention.... woopsy.... btw... narsh and fetus... r dating!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333 there actually perfect..its secret but there doing great now <3 so yea than i kinda ummmm ran away like ran around the corrner so he couldent hear nor see me...than we went around again and he was on a tredmil optical thing.... O.o <3 wait what? so than yea i think i saw him like twice more than had to go to class and it was lovley narsh was harassing guys in her class like ahahahahahahahah i cant even its too funny so yea and urgh! just no than today he was in the guy playing so i stalked over the ledge thiny from the track and he was talking to steve O.o NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! and he was yelling at the team from the side lines.... nope steve said he sounds like a girl with a squeaky voice.... nope not at all...... not even closse ahahah so like i was saying im not over the cute guy.......

so i had a dream.....

i was on the track it was dark like one light on the traack and the lights in the gym where off  too and i was with kellie  and i girl i dident know but she was my friend in the dream and i was like should i do it should i do it should i do it and kellie said yea like it worth a shot or whatever so i did i sent a txt about how i felt to the cute guy it was a short paragraph i remember seein something bout hair tho.... than it like jump cutted and i was on a bmx track at sunset with the other girl we where on the starting hill made with a metal srame ad i got a picture than txt than picture than txt the first pic was his hair all cool and the txt followin it said sece hair or whatever than the other pic was a close up of his face and the following txt was really lon cuz it had the ..... and they popped up on the top of my screen so i dident fully see it and i dident want to seem desprite so i dident open it.... and than i ot woken up like what a mother living cliff hanger?!?!! so yea and like he was wear a teeshirt and like omfg in my world / his thats like shirtless cuz all he wears is large over sized hoodies.... so yea shit hes great lookin.... nuff said ...and kellies like telling me all this great shit bout him... <3 urgh!!!!!!

 and my god narsh and fetus they might kiss and kellies tellin how she knows him and what that means and its super sereious <3 and ummm URHHHH!!!!!! i love them together like its perfect so she might walk home with me monday so they can walk home and i can walk behind and take pics so yea ill drag kellie along with me most deffently 

like i just want that cute kid and narsh and fatus r too perfect that its too perfect like im honestly fangirling for them omfg i need to find a ship name for them....

well ill talk at ya later <3


love ya watermellon

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