Chapter One: Steffy

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              Wyatt and Bill were talking their usual chats that I wasn't really interested in while I filed my nails in one of Bill's comfy seats in his office. Although I was filing my nails, I was thinking about something...someone. Yea, you probably guessed that it was Liam. Although I was married to his charming brother, I still cared deeply for Liam. It sickened me that Wyatt's wicked witch of a mother took him away from me so I would end up with her son. I hated her more than I hated any one in my life. Some times I forget that Wyatt, my husband, was related to that conniving bitch called Quinn. Wyatt was so good... so understanding while Quinn was...well Quinn.

          "What you think Steffy?"

          I looked confused as Wyatt looked at me with his usual warm gaze. Bill looked annoyed but I ignored it.

       "What do I think about what?" I asked Wyatt.

      "You know... about renaming Spencer Publications as Mrs. Steffy Publications," Wyatt said as he dramatically made a sweeping gesture with his hands.

     "Stop being stupid Wyatt," Bill grumped. Wyatt and I looked at him, shocked at his abrupt grouch like behavior. "The name stays the way it is."

      "But dad come on," Wyatt said as he stood up. Bill glared at him in disgust as if Wyatt smelled bad. "Don't you think it's time for a change?"

       "Yes son, I do think that it's time for a change," Bill said, "just not the change that you so desire for whatever the reason may be."

       "But dad I-"

      "Enough Wyatt," Bill said and I knew that Bill probably was still having his own issues with Katie.

       Wyatt took a breath and sat back down in silence. He was even more hot when he was silent. Just like...Liam.

      "What is taking that boy so long!?" Bill asked impatiently. "He's late to his own meeting, go figure."

         "Do you have any idea what this meeting could be about?" I asked.

       Bill shook his head. "No. And the thing is I rather not know. Knowing Liam he probably has nothing but stupidness to say."

      "That's not true," I defended. "You don't know that."

      "I do know that Steffy  because I have a feeling that it's about you," Bill said in disgust.

       Wyatt rubbed my arm as if to calm me down. I didn't need calming down. I was just shocked that Bill would say something like that about his own son.

      "Dad's right Steff," Wyatt said as Bill listened. "Liam's obsessed with you and I wouldn't be surprised if he called us all here to tell us that he wants you back."

       That's where your wrong Wyatt. Liam is not obsessed with me. He cares about me, end of discussion. I would have blurted those words out loud because I am not afraid of anyone, but I didn't want to sour Bill's mood even more.

      "But with all do respect I am sure Liam has something important to say," I said. "I'm sure of it."

      I continued to file my nails as Wyatt and Bill exchanged glances. So what if Liam was trying to win me back? He vowed that I would be his. Truth was I did want to be his each and every single day but I am committed to Wyatt.

      "Steffy, you okay?" I looked up as I saw Wyatt looking at me with worry in his eyes. Bill looked at his phone boredly. Wyatt leaned forward and wiped a tear from my eye. Oh my God! Was I crying?  "You're shaking Steffy. Come here." Wyatt pulled me close to his chest. His shirt smelled like Dior cologne...the same way that Liam smelled when we were together. Wyatt hugged me as I heard a grunt from Bill. "If I said anything to hurt you Steffy I didn't mean to. I love you."

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