Chapter Twelve: Rick

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         "There's my beautiful partner in crime!" I exclaimed, hoping that the whole world would hear me praise my lovely wife.

          Maya was waiting for me outside of her parents home. I greeted her with a welcoming kiss.

        "Trust you to always be so dramatic," she said with a slight smile.

        "I'm only dramatic when it comes to you," I told her. Which was true. "Mind if I visit your folks before we leave?"

        "I'm pretty sure that they would love to see you," Maya said,  But?  "but they're still asleep."

        Asleep? At this hour?

       "Long night?" I asked.

      "You could say that," Maya replied as she took my arm. "We were up all night listening to what happen on Nicole's romantic date with Zende."

        "Ooh, and how did that go?" I wondered as we started to walk away from Maya's parents house. Guess I would have to catch them some other time.

       "Let's just say that Nicole described it as a fairy tale dream come true," Maya replied.

      "Oh I bet," I said. Those kids were bound to have a future together. "Nicole sounds a lot like me when I first met you."

      "Are you just saying that?" Maya asked.

      "Not at all," I replied. Maya was my  dream come true. She was much different than all those girls that I had been with. She completed me. "And don't you forget that."

       Maya leaned on my shoulder. "I love you."

      "I love you too." I replied, kissing her on the forehead.

       We walked a couple of blocks up to get to Katie's house. Thankfully it wasn't all that far. Our goal for this trip was to talk some sense into Katie. I wanted my aunt to stop hating my mom so much because of what happened between her and Bill. Yes, it was a shitty mess that they both got themselves into but they were sisters. They shouldn't let one man get between them.

        "What's with the gym bag babe?" Maya asked as we stood in front of Katie's house.

      I took the gym bag off of my shoulder and placed it on the ground. "This gym bag is for you," I said to her.

      "For me?" Maya asked as though she didn't believe my response.

       "For you," I repeated as I placed it on her shoulder. "It kinda looks cute on you."

       "Rick," Maya said as though she wanted me to explain to her what I had planned. Flattery wasn't going to end her curiosity.

        "Okay, okay," I said as I placed my hands on her shoulders, "this is what I have planned. While I go and talk to Katie, you  will be in her kitchen collecting all the beers and liquors you could find to put in this gym bag. When you're done, you can leave it near the kitchen door and I'll pick it up when we make our exit."

       Katie had a horrible drinking problem. She always did especially when she got depressed. I could only imagine what heavy beers and fine rums she had stored in her fridge,  especially at a time like this. Her husband, Bill, was gone as was her only son Will. I knew for a fact that Katie was more than depressed. It was even a little scary to see how she was now.

      "And exactly what are you going to do with all the beers and liquors that I find?" Maya asked.

       I gave Maya a huge smile of delight. "Take them home of course." I replied.

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