Chapter Twenty Three: Cressida

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             I headed towards the balcony of the mansion to take Ms.Fuller's call, lifting the silken white curtain that led outside in the process. I was a bit annoyed that Ms.Fuller had interrupted the little fun that I was trying to have at this party. I understood that whatever it was that she was calling for was important but tonight was suppose to be special for Liam and I. He promised that he would make an everlasting love vow to me and I was more than excited to hear it. His vow may also be the last thing that I would remember him by and that was the scary part.

      "Yes Ms.Fuller?" I said as I answered my phone after the sixth ring.

        "Goodness Cressida, what took you so long to answer?" Ms Fuller questioned irritably. I paused as the dance that I shared with Wyatt popped into my head. I was surprised  that he knew how to dance. Seemed he was a guy who had plenty of hidden talents that needed to be discovered. "Cressida are you there?"

     "Yes," I answered as the memory of Wyatt and my dance vanished from my mind, "was just distracted that's all."

     "Well stop being distracted and listen closely," Ms. Fuller replied. I sighed as she continued, "I need you to knock Liam out."

      "Knock him out?" I echoed.

       "Yes," Ms.Fuller replied. "Once you do that I want you take him to Rosenquartz tracks." Rosenquartz tracks? Wasn't that an old abandon train station? Why did she want me to take him there? "Deacon will be over at the mansion soon to help you carry Liam's body there. I'm sure you can find a way to knock the brute unconscious, right?" Yes because it was better than killing Liam and no because I didn't want to hurt him. Liam meant a lot to me and Ms. Fuller wasn't making this any easier.

      I gazed down the balcony, still on the line with Ms.Fuller, trying to give her an answer. The only thing that happen to come out my mouth was a huge gasp that made me almost drop my phone. I stood frozen as I saw something that I wished I didn't. Sitting together near a graceful fountain was Liam and Steffy. Steffy had her claw like hand on Liam's cheek as he was leaning close to her ready to kiss her. I wasn't seeing this. This wasn't happening. That wasn't Liam down there with Steffy. That-

      "Cressida?" Quinn asked from the phone, waiting for me to answer her question. "Are you still-"

      I clicked off the phone because I knew if I had spoken to Ms Fuller I would burst into tears. I was hurt, angry and embarrassed and I knew I deserved to feel that way. I should have known that he wasn't over  Steffy as I thought.  Ms Fuller warned me not to get too attached to him but I didn't listen. Now I am here suffering the consequences with a broken heart.  Why did you have to be so weak Cressida? Why did you have to fall for someone who you knew you wern't suppose to? Damn it!

      I leaned against the wall as I tried my best not to cry. I was dying inside but I was on a mission. A mission that I failed once and will never fail again. I quickly attempted to pull myself together as I left the balcony and headed outside. Ms Fuller was expecting Liam to be unconscious and it was unconscious he was going to be.

    "Liam," I called, trying my best to act like I didn't see him attempt to kiss Steffy, "are you out here?" There was no answer, of course, but I wasn't going to give up. I picked up my dress and walked a few inches away from the mansion. "Liam!"

      "I'm coming Cressie!" Liam called. So he nicknamed me Cressie because it sounded similar to Steffy ? Why didn't I catch that before. Why did I think that he loved me, someone he knew for three months, verses Steffy, who he knew longer. I should've been smarter than this. I was smarter than this. My eyes began to water but I roughly wiped them  away with the back of my hand. Don't cry Cressida. Don't cry for no man. I looked up as Liam appeared.  "Hey! Sorry that I just ran off like that babe," he apologized, "thought I needed some fresh air."

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