Chapter Twenty Six: Quinn

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           Entering the Forrester's estates wasn't what I had planned. The only reason why I went there was because I lost track of both fools, Cressida and Deacon. Cressida's tracker that I hid in the folds of her dress must have fell loose somewhere so I couldn't tell where she was. She wasn't picking up her phone and neither was Deacon. I didn't know if they were taking Liam to Rosenquartz tracks or if Cressida actually developed the balls to knock the otter in disgrace out as I asked. It didn't help that they didn't answer their phones so I just had to take matters into my own hands. I went into the Forrester mansion to look for the fools with an ear piece attached to my ear. I gave Deacon a matching ear piece like mine so we can communicate, kind of like an updated version of walkie talkies. It was obvious that he didn't even turn his on because I heard complete silence on his end. Wherever Deacon and Cressida were they were gonna feel my wrath whenever I get through to them.

      The Forrester mansion was as I remembered, both classy, grand and spacious. I kinda missed living here, living with Eric, but that was in the past now. Protecting Wyatt's heart came first before any one and anything else did. Liam was soon going to be out the picture and Steffy will  find her way back to my son. She wasn't going to divorce him or so help me I might as well kill her too. I entered into the empty guest room as Stephanie and Caroline's portraits stared back at me. The stares seemed almost unpleasant, especially coming from things that were not living. Still, as I looked into the eyes of the portraits it felt like they didn't want me here. Like I didn't belong here.

       "Is this real or is this a figment of my own imagination." came the sound of a deep beautiful voice that I haven't heard in months. I froze in shock because I knew who that was standing behind me. It was Eric. Eric Forrester, the patriarch of the Forrester family and the only man who could change me for the better. My husband who I abandoned for my own personal reasons. I couldn't look at him because I didn't deserve to. "Could it be that my prayers have been answered as I hoped they would?" I heard his foot steps come close to me as I saw his shadow grace the walls where Stephanie and Caroline's portraits hung. "Is it you? Is it really you Quinn? Please tell me it is."

       He sounded excited to see me as much as I was excited to see him. He still...cared about me even though I knew that I probably broke his fragile heart when I ran away from him. Eric was a good man...almost too good for me. I took in a breath as I slowly turned around to face him. I bit my lip nervously as a dapper elderly gentleman gazed right back at me. His eyes sparkled with delight as I removed my moon half mask from off my face to reveal myself to him.

      "My God!" Eric breathed happily. "I-I-It is you."

       "Yes," I replied gently, "it's me Eric."

        Eric looked into my eyes as I became lost in his. He embraced me, holding me close to him and I returned his embrace.

      "Oh Quinn, I have missed you dearly," Eric said as our warm embraced ended. "Where have you been? I been looking all over for you and-"

      "Don't worry about that," I replied because I had so much explaining to do. "Just know that where ever I was, it was for the best."

     "For the best ?!" Eric asked, shocked. "So you're saying that leaving me alone with no one to love was for the best !?"

       "I'm not saying that," I told him as I felt that he was getting a bit angry at me. "I-"

       "Then what are you saying  Quinn?" Eric demanded to know. "Are you saying that I wasn't a good husband to you or that you found someone else? Which is it?"

        "Neither," I answered as Eric gave me a solemn look. "Eric you were the best thing that has ever happen to me. You defended me from your family. You accepted me for who I am. You married me. You did so much that both Deacon and Dollar Bill could never do. You're different and that's what makes me love you all the more and-" Eric raised his wedding finger up to me. The thick gold garnet ring that I slid on his finger when we exchanged vows still rested on his finger. I looked from him to the ring with shock as he spoke.

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