Chapter Sixteen: Brooke

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                After meeting Liam's new girlfriend, who seemed like a total sweet heart, I left her and Eric talking about literature and fashion. It wasn't that I was disinterested in their conversation but rather intrigued by something else. I didn't notice before but a large photo of Caroline, who we were yet to see, hung above the fire place next to the late Stephanie Forrester. It was a gorgeous picture of her and I knew Ridge placed it there for her birthday. My curiosity still stirred to know if he told her yet about leaving her.

       "Seems like Ridge out did himself with this one," came Eric's voice from behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders as we both stared at Caroline's picture in awe. "And to think for sometime now I been doubting his relationship with Caroline." I said nothing as Eric continued, "The big age gap, for starters, is too much. Then again who am I talk."

        "Exactly," I said with a smile. Eric loved his woman young  and he always did. I guessed that was one of the reasons why him and Stephanie had such difficulty with their marriage. Eric laughed and his laugh bought joy to my ears.

      "I guess Ridge really does love her," Eric realized, "to have her side by side his mother means a lot."

      "Sure does," I said. Eric didn't know half the story about Ridge and Caroline's relationship.

      "Do you remember our marriage, Brooke?" Eric asked which took me by surprise that he would bring that up.

      "How could I forget," I replied sweetly. We were married twice and had Rick and Bridget together. He was bringing me back to simpler times when Stephanie was always  at my back. I sometimes missed those days but at the same time I wouldn't want to relive them. "You were a great husband to me and never for a second have I ever regretted being married you."

         "Likewise," Eric agreed.

         "You sure were bold  back then," I stated.

          "And you, my dear Brooke, were and still are beautiful," Eric commented. "Forever beautiful."

       I gave Eric a warm smile as I leaned my head gently onto his shoulder. Eric did the same and it felt good to be in the comfort of a very dear friend. He met a lot to me and I hated to hear that he was depressed over Quinn. She didn't deserve him but Eric still loved her nonetheless.

        "It's a shame that your sisters couldn't make it this evening," Eric remarked and I wished he never bought up my sisters, "I would had really loved  to see them again."

      "Donna's still away in Dallas taking care of Dad," I told him.

       "That's right," Eric said remembering that Donna wasn't in LA anymore, "how could I forget. And what about Katie?"

      "Katie  is also away," I replied as I picked my head from off his shoulder. I was a bit scared to know Eric's reaction when I told him about Katie's attack.

      "Away?" Eric asked confused. "I don't understand."

       "Ridge sent her away yesterday afternoon to Xylo's Rehab," I explained as Eric listened, "after she almost strangled me to death and-"

       "Good God," Eric breathed in concern, "are you alright?"

        "I'm fine," I responded as he looked at me worriedly.

       "Are you sure? Because if you're not I could always take you home and-"

       "I'm fine Eric," I repeated gently, calming him down, "don't worry." I didn't want Eric to be too worried about me. He was definitely no longer a spring chicken and didn't need to have such stress in his life. Quinn's disappearance was enough.

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