Chapter Seven: Caroline

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          "Well that was one scrumptious meal," Ridge commented as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "It was too bad that we weren't eating oatmeal though."

        I was starting to think that it was a good thing that I burnt the oatmeal since Ridge loved it all too much.

       "Eggs Benedict is just as good as oatmeal," I said. Personally, I preferred Eggs Benedict any day than oatmeal.

        Ridge laughed and what a sexy laugh he had.

       "You're just one amazing woman, you know that right?"

      "I only try to be amazing," I replied, "just for you."

      "Then in that case, I'm glad," Ridge said. He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "That gives me all the more reason to make your birthday ball special."

      "And speaking of my birthday ball, I want Uncle Bill to be there," I told Ridge. The moment that I mentioned my uncle's name, Ridge's face went serious.

     "Absolutely not," He rasped. "I don't want to see that man at all!"

      I placed my hands on his chest. "Just hear me out for one second," I said before he could continue bashing Uncle Bill, "please."

       Ridge sighed and looked at me. "Fine."

        Now that was the Ridge that I knew and loved. He listened even when I knew he didn't want to.

        "I understand that you're not a fan of Uncle Bill and that you two have your issues, but it's my birthday party and I want my uncle to be there," I explained. Ridge frowned and I knew he wasn't buying it. "Look baby, I'm not asking you to hold his hand and skip into the sunset with him, in fact you don't even have to acknowledge his presence." Ridge puffed up like a blow fish and I bet he would've stuck me with his spikes, if he had any. It seemed no matter what I was saying he didn't want Uncle Bill to be invited. "You do know that I hardly have any family here and-"

        "You have me Caroline," Ridge blurted out. "Me and Douglas. That's the only family that you need!"

        " I know that but-"

        "No but's Caroline. Bill is not coming to the party. End of discussion!" Ridge yelled as he headed to the door.

         Why was he getting so angry? It's not like it was his party that I wanted  my uncle to attend. It was mine.

       "Where are you going?" I wondered. We haven't finished are talk and I found it a little rude that he was leaving.

         "The office," Ridge said shortly.

         "The office?" I asked. "But-"

        And just like that the door slammed in my face. I looked out the window and saw Ridge walk away from the house quickly. I didn't get how talking about my uncle would sour his mood so suddenly.  I sighed and picked up Ridge's plate from the table. I went over to the sink and began to wash his plate, since he never does it.

      I knew that Ridge was very angry at me. He always escaped to his second home, the office, when we got into a silly disagreement. The last time he did that was when I wanted to let everyone know that Douglas was Thomas's son.  Even though that awful situation was over,  it still haunted me because of how much we both hurt Thomas. But as I said before, that's ancient history now. It was time to move on. 

     I placed Ridge's clean dish with the other unused plates and headed to my phone. Maybe it was good that Ridge was angry, that gave me some time to start calling up people to ask them if they could make it to my masquerade birthday ball. Uncle Bill was the first person that I was going to call. It didn't matter that Ridge didn't want him to come because I did. I clicked on Uncle Bill's name and waited for him to pick up. To my luck, his phone went straight to voice mail. Was he busy so early in the morning? I guess that I would have to call him back some other time.

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