Chapter Thirty Seven: Liam

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        After taking a shower and my daily morning dump, both of which I spent a good amount of time crying my eyes out, I went into the kitchen to drink away my sorrows. I drank my favorite brandy liquor even though she spilled on my pants and embarrassed the shit out of me earlier. She redeemed herself by giving me comfort when I needed it the most. I was an emotional wreck when I shouldn't be. I just felt like a complete moron to not have seen that Cressida was using me this whole entire time. She lied  to me and I should've known better. Cressida was too good to be true and I should have sensed that there was something vaguely suspicious about her. I mean it isn't everyday that a hot smoking tamale like her would show interest in a typical dweeb like me...unless that hot tamale was Steffy.

        My sorrows increased as I then thought about Steffy. She was another person who broke my heart. Like Cressida, she lied to me. Steffy told me at Caroline's masquerade party that she loved me yet she still had Wyatt's pathetic little tattoo ring on her finger. By wearing my brother's ring did that really show that she loved me? I think not! If you ask me, that cheap tattoo ring on her finger should have been a tall round ruby ring instead. A tall rounded ruby ring that was her birth stone that I myself should  have left on her finger, not Wyatt!

       Honestly speaking I loved Steffy. I loved her more than I could ever love Cressida. No matter how much I told myself over and over again that Steffy was Wyatt's wife, I couldn't accept it. I pretty much told my old man a huge lie that I would stay away from Steffy as his highness ordered and I knew deep down that Dad didn't even believe me. He of all people knew that Steffy and I belonged together and just wanted to play fair, for once in his life, because he knew that Wyatt was happy with her as his wife. I mean who wouldn't be. Guess you already assumed now that this whole romancing that beyond sexy Cressida back fired miserably on me. It was Steffy who I loved all the while and I just needed a distraction to take my mind off her. As a result, Cressida ended up using me and I deserved it. I didn't deserve to die by Quinn, of course, but I deserved to be led on by Cressida when in reality my heart belonged elsewhere.

        I admit that Cressida came pretty close in out doing Steffy only because she wasn't as aggressive as Steff was. Yes, I found aggressiveness in a woman to be sexy but when you have too much aggression it becomes overbearing.  Steffy's grandmother was aggressive so she inherited it from somewhere. Cressida was more calm thought to the point it was hard to tell what she was thinking. Alarming it was to know that all this time Cressida was really seducing me to my grave. The grave that Quinn probably couldn't wait to be dancing on with her pitch fork. Glad that I was still alive. Lonely and depressed I was but still alive.

       I turned on the radio so I wouldn't have to cry in silence. My mom, rest her soul, always told me that music calms the soul so I wanted to see how true such a thing was. I gloomily turned my radio from news to some random music station as Sonia Rao's You were mine  played. Coincidentally that was both me and Steffy's favorite song. Though I was reminded of her, it was better than loosing my mind over Cressida. 

       As the scratchy voiced woman sang, I sipped my brandy as my mind took me back to all the memories that I ever shared with Steffy prior to now. It took me back to when Steffy gave me a tour around our Malibu home during the time Quinn abducted me. I was slowly regaining my memory at the time so it was all confusing at first. Everything  was confusing accept Steffy who I immediately recognized when I stumbled upon her at the beach. She cried out my name and ran over to me, jumping high into my arms. Though she nearly knocked me down, seeing her again just made me feel whole again.

        Our two weddings then came to mind. The first one was in Aspen and the second outside our home. Steffy looked quite stunning both times and maybe one day she'll look that way again during our third and final wedding. The kiss we shared at Aspen that sealed our vows and marriage to each other replayed over and over again as my heart pained me at the thought of it. As the chorus of the song came, I threw my head back dramatically and sang in sync with the radio.

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