Chapter Thirty: Wyatt

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              "Alright I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I hung up the phone as my beautiful wife of the night entered the room. She was wearing a black and blue perforated sports bra and matching sweat pants. She looked sexy, then again she always did. "Well hello there," I said to her in a playful flirtatious manner. Steffy gave me a beautiful smile and I was glad that this woman was mine and mine alone.

      "Hello yourself," Steffy replied as she kissed me on the cheek. I held my cheek that she kissed and smiled to myself as Steffy sat on the bed and began to put on her sneakers. "Who were you talking to so long on the phone?"

       "Oh no one really. Just Liam and then Dad," I replied. "I invited Liam and Cressida to have donuts with you and I early in the morning before work. How does that sound?"

       "Donuts?" Steffy asked. "With Liam and Cressida?"

       "Yep," I replied as I sat next to Steffy. "Is that a problem for you? I mean if it is please tell me and I will gladly fix it and-"

      "No, no," Steffy replied, cutting me off in mid sentence, "no problem for me at all. It's just kind of odd how you out of all people would actually want to have an outing with Liam."

      "Yea I know," I said as I took Steffy's hand in mine. "Usually I would never want to hang out with him and you at the same time because I know that he may try to win you back...and fail.  Now that he has Cressida, I have nothing to worry about." I looked into Steffy's eyes and she looked into mine. "You're my wife Steffy and no one else's." I leaned forward and pressed my lips on her's. The weird part of this was when I did press my lips on her's, our kiss felt weak as though Steffy wasn't really into it. Maybe that was just all in my imagination. I was probably just tired from being with Dad and Liam. I looked at Steffy and waited for her to say to me, "And you're my husband,  no one else's." She never did. But that was okay because I knew she loved me. "So will you be willing to come tomorrow and feast like the Queen you are with Liam, Cressida and I?"

     "Since it is your  outing, count me in," Steffy replied. When my wife said things like that I was always reminded of how lucky of a man I was to have her. Steffy got up from the bed and took up her keys that sat on the dresser. She then started to walk out of the bedroom and towards the door to leave. It was so sudden and strange how she wasn't even going to tell me, her husband, where she was going. I followed her into the next room as her back was towards me.

      "Steff, where are you going?" I wondered. She started to place the keys into the hole to open the door, but stopped when she heard my voice behind her. Steffy turned around as I stared at her a bit confused.

      "Just going for a late night jog," she replied, "that's all."

        A late night jog? She usually didn't do late night jogs...then again maybe she just wanted to do something different and I completely understood that.

       "I'm guessing you're trying to keep your amazing figure after eating that junk at Liam's house," I said jokingly.

       "If that's the case then Bill could use a jog or two," Steffy replied as we both laughed. Dad did eat like three pies of pizza that night so Steffy was completely right.

       "Funny and beautiful," I commented as I wrapped my arms around Steffy's waist, looking down into her eyes for the millionth time today. "What more could a man ask for."

       "Stop," Steffy said softly as she turned her head away from me but I gently pulled her head back to face me.

      "I mean it Steffy. You're all I could ever ask for and more," I told her.

        "You praise me too much Wyatt," Steffy said as she turned away from me, "and sometimes...I almost feel as though I don't deserve your praises."

        I turned Steffy around so that her eyes could meet mine. "Well you do deserve all the praises that you can get from me, you wanna know why Steff?"

       "Why?" Steffy asked gently.

        "Because I love you," I answered, "I love you Steffy Forrester Spencer. Always remember that."

      "I will," Steffy replied as she gave me a brief kiss on the lips. I expected something a bit more passionate but it was late and she probably was as tired as I was. I smiled at Steffy and vowed to myself that I was never going to loose her. She was the one for me and always will be.

       "Don't be gone too long Steff," I said.

      "I won't," Steffy told me. We kissed once more and then Steffy jogged away. I watch her jog along the side of the beach and felt to take a picture of her jogging away. It would probably receive a whole bunch of likes on social media to see a beautiful woman jogging in the midst of a beautiful scenery. My phone was a bit too far away for me to take Steffy's picture so I let it be.

        Since Steffy and I were newly weds I felt that our relationship was strong. The two things that would have been a problem in our relationship was gone now. Liam had a girlfriend now so he wasn't focus on winning Steffy's love back and my mother was far away from Steffy as I wanted her to be. What also made Steffy and my relationship strong now was that there was nothing to hide from one another. I was honest with her and she was honest with me.  She was my wife and I knew deep in my heart that she would never ever lie to me til death do us part.

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