Chapter Twenty Five: Quinn

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             Letting go of Eric was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my whole life, but I knew it was for the best. I didn't have the heart to tell him that we should end our beautiful relationship together but he probably got the hint. I haven't spoken to him or seen him in weeks and that was how I wanted things to be. I even changed my phone number so that he wouldn't attempt to call me. He came by my house a couple of times but I pretended that I wasn't home. The reason why I let Eric go was because of two reason. The first was because of his family. The Forrester's didn't like me for him and I understood that. They were an aggressive, not to mention hideous, bunch of people who treated the seventy something year old man as though he was a child.  Did I really want to be apart of such a cruel and bullying family had I stayed with Eric? My answer for that would be no. The last reason why I let Eric go was because of his awful grand daughter, Steffy. She was married to my son Wyatt and it was all thanks to me that they were together. That terrible miserable brat threatened me that if I stayed with her grand father she would leave my son. I knew that threat was a load of BS. Steffy just wanted to have an excuse to go back to that hairy Liam. I wasn't going to let her ever  break my son's heart. Not now and not ever. And because Steffy made that threat I decided to leave Eric alone for good. He was the only person that made me feel so loved... so happy... so good. Now that he was no longer in my life, I returned back to my usual self, my true self. All of his positive energy that he made me feel when we were together was all gone, leaving what we had as only a fond memory.

         "Ms Fuller you home?" came a female's voice from outside my door. It was someone who I was expecting and I was glad that she came right on time.

       I went over to my door and unlocked it. Thank God that this door did  have locks otherwise  Eric would have invited himself in whenever he felt like it and I couldn't have that. I opened the door and standing there was a young woman with gorgeous clear brown skin wearing a fitted African pattern dress.

        "Cressida," I greeted, "come in."

         The young woman nodded as she entered my little home. I checked to make sure she wasn't being followed and then closed the door behind me.

         "I hope I wasn't bothering you or anything," Cressida said. "I know it's late and-"

        "How was dinner?" I asked. Nothing else interested me more than to hear about her dinner with Wyatt, Bill, Liam and the slob, Steffy.

         "It was fine," Cressida replied. "There were some awkward moments here and there but it was fine."

        "And how's Wyatt?" I asked. I haven't seen him in awhile and since that hideous wife of his didn't want me near her, that met that I couldn't see Wyatt either. Dumb right? I know.

       "Your son was so nice and friendly," Cressida replied, "very pleasant too. He looks a lot like his dad. Both are very handsome."

        Was she blind? Wyatt looked like me, not Bill.

        "Yea," I said dully, "a real catch." It was good to know that Wyatt was well and good. "And Liam?"

         Cressida gave an all too cute smile. It reminded me of how I use to smile whenever I saw Eric. I hope she wasn't falling for that ugly thing because it wouldn't do.

        "What more can a woman ask for," Cressida said with a sigh. "He's amazing, charming, and-"

        "Has he taking a liking to you?" I questioned, interrupting whatever nastiness she had to say.

        "Yes," Cressida answered as she stared dreamily into space, "he has."

        "As he should," I said nodding my head in approval.

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