Chapter Thirty Four: Dr. Braithwig

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          It's been three weeks since I heard from Cressida and I was starting to become worried. For one thing, she never confirmed with me when she would have the rest of the money for her grandmother's surgery. I understood that no one had forty nine thousand dollars hidden away in their bank accounts but together Cressida and I could most definitely work something out. After all, I was willing to put in five hundred towards the surgery so that Cressida wouldn't be as stressed out as she was the last time I saw her. If I could I would put in more but I didn't want to be fired from my depressing job. As a doctor, it was our job to put our feelings aside and never tend to people who we had any sort of relationship with. No one knew that Josephine Mills, Cressida's grandmother, was once both my graduate and medical teacher and I hoped it remained that way. Ironic it was that the same woman who taught me everything about tending to patients ended up to be the same woman who I would one day be tending to in the mere future.

        At the end of the third week, since I last seen Cressida, I called her. I called her during my lunch break and before I went to bed. She didn't pick up so I made sure to leave a message. She never called me back so I tried again the next day but still no Cressida. I tried calling her one more time on Tuesday but her phone went straight to voice mail. Good news was that her phone number was definitely hers since I heard her voice tell me to leave a message. Bad news was that she wasn't answering me and I wanted to know why. This was about her grandmother's health for goodness sake and yet she couldn't get in contact with me?!

        "Trouble in paradise Jake?"

      I paused when I realized that Craig, one of my surgeons, was on his lunch break along with me.

      " Not exactly," I answered as I took out a vanilla cupcake that had an elegant rose like frosting design. My husband had packed it for me before he went on his international baking trip around the world. He was a baker, as you could have guessed, and wanted me to join him in being plumped and round. Though his treats were divine, I rather spinach and broccoli any day. "Why you ask?"

      "You just seem...pissed," Craig answered as he chowed down on something fishy and raw, "kinda like you just had an argument with that special somebody."

    "Far from it," I told him as I checked my phone to see if Cressida called me back. As expected she didn't. "Just thinking that's all." Craig could use some thinking in his life.

    "Okay cool," He said as he continue to eat.

      I didn't understand how he could eat at a time like this! How can he shove his face when Josephine had a brain tumor that she couldn't afford to get surgically removed? How can he chomp and even have the audacity to speak when Josephine's granddaughter couldn't answer her phone and talk to me? I'm not a scary person and Cressida should know that. I am reasonable and fair. I-

      "So I'm having a bit of trouble myself at home," Craig responded. For someone who was stuffing themselves with food, he didn't seem at all like he had issues. "You know how they say that home is where the heart is? Well I-"

     Home! Why didn't I think of that before?! Since Cressida wasn't picking up her phone, it's best that I should pay her a visit instead.

      "That's it Craig!" I exclaimed as the idea hit me hard in the head.

       "What's it?" Craig wondered as I got up and hung my white doctor jacket in the locker behind me. "Wait Jake, are you leaving?"

     "Never mind that my friend," I said as I patted his head, "just know  that you inspired me."

      "I-I-Inspired you? Me?" Craig asked,shocked. He wasn't really a guy who would inspire anyone so I understood why he was so surprised. I nodded as I slid him my husband's junky cupcake.

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