Chapter Twenty Nine: Sasha

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         "Sasha!" I heard Nicole call after me but I chose to ignore it. I was doing her and my so called family a favor. A favor that may be the death of me. If it meant that I wouldn't have to deal with them belittling me constantly then I was ready. 

       It seemed that no matter what I did there was always a problem. Like I was a disgrace to my family and could never do anything  right. Sure, I fell in love with a monster but it's not like I planned for any of this to happen. How was I to know that Inari was using me to bring back his dead wife. It stung like hell to remember that my prince charming wasn't what he appeared to be. But it stung even more that my family blamed me for bringing him into our lives. Now Zende was in trouble, fighting off what was suppose to be my  problem and I had to help him.

        I limped slowly into the dark woods as I heard Nick yell my name from afar. She could keep yelling my name all she wanted because I wasn't going back. I stepped into a puddle of wet muddy water as I entered more deeply into the woods. Quite spooky the woods were but when you have a demonic creature loose that made things even more  spooky.

       "Oh I am blaming you Sasha," came Maya's voice in my head, "because you're nothing but trouble."

        I clutched my heart as the word trouble  repeated over and over again in Maya's menacing child like voice. Hurtful it was to hear, but she was right. I mean I was trouble from the start especially  when I first laid my eyes on Zende, determined to make him mine. I regret doing so because I lost Nick's trust as well as the rest of the family's. I also lied  to everyone that I was having Zende's baby in hopes to keep him but, as you can see, that didn't end well. All it did was make Nick, Maya and Dad hate me even more than they probably did and I understood why. I hated myself for what I did to Zende and Nick but I was stupid and desperate. I wanted love and somebody I could talk to. Inari showed me love and was easy to talk to as I got to know him. All that love though was in vain because he an ulterior motive.

       I wiped a tear from out my eye as I thought about both the hurt that was done to me and the hurt that I caused. Maybe this was all karma for hurting Nick. Inari may have just been there to lure me into getting my heart broken as I did Nick's. I was an awful person and I deserved something even more than heart break. I deserved to die by the man who I thought I loved.  As I continued to limp into the woods with nothing but dark thoughts, I paused as I heard a small grunt that sounded a bit too close by. Was that an animal? Was that Inari?

         I cautiously looked around the dark smoky woods. Not a soul but me, trees and branches were there which was strange. I continued to look for Zende when suddenly I felt some thing grab onto my ankle. I screamed in fear and was ready to kick whatever it was to kingdom come. I turned around quickly as my heart pounded madly, still feeling something grab hold of my ankle. I looked down and to my horror and surprise I saw Zende looking back at me. He was bloody and had scratches all over his face. Despite the blood and the scratches though he was still a beauty to look at.

       "Oh my God! Zende," I cried as I knelt down next to him. I took his head and gently placed it on my lap. It pained me to see him like this because I knew it was my fault that he looked like that. Zende groaned in pain as I ripped a piece of my dress and tried to press it on his bloody wounds. That didn't go as well as I had hoped because Zende was bleeding too much. He needed a hospital.

         "It came so quickly," Zende breathed weakly, "the red...demon."

        "Where is he?" I asked as Zende bloodied up my dress. "Where is Inari?"

        "I don't- I..." Zende began as his eyes starting to roll back. It felt as though Zende was about to die on me and I didn't want that. He was gonna live for Nick and I couldn't lose him now.

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