Chapter Eleven: Wyatt

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              I became depressed since Steffy left me. I know it had only been a day since she departed but it felt so much longer. How could she leave me? How could she think that my mother and Cressida were out to kill Liam? I understood that Steffy hated my mother with a passion but that didn't mean she had the right to accuse her of something that wasn't true. Yes, my mother has attempted to kill Liam before but that was in the past. I'm pretty sure Mom is off somewhere doing her own thing and not even thinking of Liam as we speak. As for Steffy's assumption that Cressida is working with my mom to kill Liam, let's just say that was just a strange thing for her to think. For one thing, Cressida doesn't know my mother and secondly, Cressida's really into Liam so I don't think she would ever think to harm him. She seemed like a sweet person and I hoped that she lasted with Liam for quite sometime. Steffy didn't know Cressida and probably was misjudging her as she often did people.

         My yesterdays rude encounter with Thomas only made my depression grow. He already doubted me and Steffy's marriage from the get go only because he didn't like me much. He wanted to see his sister with his best pal Liam instead of me, the son of Quinn Fuller. Bet Thomas was celebrating me and Steffy's divorce already. What pained me most was that Thomas had the nerve to blame me for hurting Steffy because I didn't believe her odd theory about Mom and Cressida killing Liam. I would never do anything in my life to hurt Steffy and he knew that. He just wanted to stress me out even more than I was already, but guess what? His attacking behavior only reminded me why we wern't  friends. Even though he had been my brother in law for a couple of months, he viewed Liam more as a brother than I.

         I refused to spend my whole Thursday sitting in the darkness and crying my eyes out. I did enough of that already since Steffy left. Crying wasn't going to bring her back home. I just felt so lonely and empty without her by my side. I haven't felt like this in quite a long time and I didn't want to. I needed to talk this all out to someone and tell them how I was feeling inside. If not Mom or Hope,  I knew who might be able to cheer me up.


                "Steffy left you!?" Dad asked incredulously.

               "Yea," I replied sadly as I sat crossed legged in front of his desk.

            "Always knew that girl stunk," Dad stated. "Then again she is  a Forrester after all." Maybe I was wrong to come to him to cheer me up. He wasn't making me feel any better so far and this was only the beginning.

        "I don't care if she was the bride of Frankenstein, Dad, I loved her," I replied, "I still do." Dad made a face of disgust as I continued, "We were the perfect  couple and I just don't get why our marriage had to end so suddenly."

           "If you meant that you and Steffy were a couple  of fools then I'd agree," Dad remarked.

        "You are so not helping right now," I said slightly annoyed. Dad laughed as he placed a hand on my shoulder. He always had a sick sense of humor.

      "I'm sorry son, I just couldn't resist," he said. I'm sure he couldn't. "Sometimes you just gotta make light out of the situation."

         "Well this situation shouldn't be made light of," I murmered as I stood up from my seat and headed towards Dad's clear windows. I gazed forlornly out the window as I thought about Steffy.

       "Wyatt, son," Dad began as he spoke to my back, "Steffy's a fool for leaving you." Usually I would never let Dad get away with calling Steffy any names but today I wasn't really in the mood to defend her. "You're a great man with a good heart. I resent you for having such a good heart but I'm also proud that you do." Dad turned me around to face him as he placed his hands on both my shoulders. "I know that you're hurt about loosing the one woman that you love but that hurt will heal." Will it really? "And when it does heal you will find someone even better than Steffy. Liam sure did." I didn't understand how he found some one as smart and equal to beauty as Steffy. Then again, Liam was always the lucky one while I had to struggle. "Man up son, today's a new day." Another new day without Steffy if I might add. "Your cousin is about to be twenty nine tomorrow and she's looking forward in seeing you and Liam at her party."

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