Chapter Thirty Five: Sasha

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           Mr. Gorgeous- I mean Inari -and I landed in front of a small brick stoned house. The house was surrounded by different  roses and carnations. Inari gently placed me on the ground as I looked in awe at how beautiful the flowers looked. It almost seemed as though the flowers were welcoming me to Inari's home.

        "I don't think we're in LA anymore," I told Inari. I was hoping that he got the joke that I was mocking Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I assumed he didn't because he just walked passed me and opened the door to his house. He vanished inside as I followed in after him.

      "Close the door behind you," He told me, "I don't want any bugs crawling in here."

       "I don't like bugs in my home either," I said as I closed the door as he instructed. Inari nodded to me as a way to say thank you.

     "Care for something to drink?" He asked.

     "Sure," I told him, "anything would be nice."

     "Okay," He said simply as he vanished down the halls.

      I made myself comfy in the humble home of my hero. I took a seat on a red satin chair and I was starting to believe that Inari's favorite color was red. I mean red is a sexy color which made all the sense for him to like it.  My eyes roamed around the room but stopped instantly as something caught my attention. Staring straight at me stood a photograph as big as the portrait that hung at the Forrester mansion of the late Dame Stephanie. The portrait was covered in a jeweled frame as an old photo of a very beautiful woman with dark brown skin and flowing hair, much like Inari's, graced the frame. She was wearing a khaki shapeless dress, that looked more like a potato sack, with a shelled fitted choker on her neck.

       I got up from my comfy seat to get a better look of the woman. Who was she? I gently touched the picture and examined the woman.

      "Don't touch that please."

      I jumped as I spun around to see Inari staring back at me with two cups of tea in his hands.

      "Sorry," I apologized as he placed the tea on the table, "I didn't mean-"

      Inari took up a duster and began to dust the photo, particularly where I touched. Did he think I would ruin his photo?

     "Don't touch what's not yours," he said curtly as he placed the duster behind the portrait.

     I told him already that I was sorry. Couldn't he let it go now?  Maybe he was like Nick and Dad who held on to grudges for years to come. Inari pushed passed me as he plopped down on the seat across from me. He moved his long hair from his face as he slurped his tea loudly. I sat in front of him as his eyes remained on his tea. The room now seemed awkward and extremely uncomfortable. I picked up the tea that he made for me and took a tiny sip. Inari looked up at me and I was scared of what he was going to tell me.

       "You don't like it?" he asked.

      "I do," I replied even though I barely got a taste of it, "why did you think that I wouldn't like it?"

       "You didn't slurp," he said. I blinked as he continued, "I was raised to slurp if I really liked something. It's just odd that...never mind."

       "Tell me," I said as I looked at him.

      "I couldn't," Inari said as he shook his head.

      "If you can save me from my father as well as a bunch of creepy gang  of misfits, you can tell me whatever it is that you have to say," I told him. Inari looked at me and I nearly lost my mind at how beautiful he was.

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