Chapter Twenty Seven: Steffy

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         After Liam left to catch up with that lying Cressida, I made my way over to the long golden table that remained outside. The table was suppose to be where all the guest ate after they sang happy birthday to Caroline. Dad had her favorite sea foods hidden away in the kitchen for everyone to eat. Of course he knew that Thomas, Grand-dad and I hated sea food but he didn't take that into consideration. Thomas and Grand-dad were allergic and I just didn't favor the taste of sea food. Dad didn't care about us though and that was nothing new. He was setting himself up for disappointment because half of the guest were leaving anyway and because Caroline wasn't here to enjoy the sea food soiree.

       I took a seat at the table, helping myself to these mini peanut butter oatmeal bars that sat on a napkin in front of me. Every napkin that layed on the table had a different flavor oatmeal bar and I was glad I managed to get the one that was peanut butter flavored. As I ate the bar, I thought about Liam and how no matter how hard I try to warn him that Cressida was dangerous he wouldn't listen. I feared that any minute from now would be the last time that I would see him before that miserably bitch, Quinn, had her way with him. I wasn't going to let her lay a hand on him. I lost him once and I'm not going to loose him again.

       "To think that it all happened here," came a pleasant voice. I turned around as I saw Carter in a black satin Zorro mask standing behind me. He wore black pants with a burgundy dress shirt that complimented his luxurious deep mahogany skin tone well. He seemed almost in thought as he continued, "Your father and Thomas fought one on one at this exact place."

        "With swords," I added.

       "Which I kindly omitted," Carter replied. "Originally your dad wanted these heavy gold rapiers swords sheated at every seat."

      "Didn't know we were all knights of the round table," I remarked dully as Carter chuckled.

       "I didn't know that either," he said. "Said he wanted a sword dance to take place after the feast." How medieval of him. "But since he didn't have the maturity to treat the swords as a prop as it was intended to be, I got rid of them. I mean who knows who he'll attack next." Carter was right. My father had many enemies so if the swords remained who knew who'd be attacking who.

       "Always knew I could count on you for anything," I commented as I smiled at him. Carter smiled back.

      "Well you know, it's my job," he answered. "Not only am I your family's lawyer but I'm you guys body guard." It was a shame that Carter never ended up with Maya because he was such a beautiful person, inside and out. She chose Rick the dick instead and I guessed she liked assholes instead of gentlemen. "Anyway it's best that I take off now. Duty calls." I nodded with understanding. Even though I would love to see more of Carter he was a busy guy. Probably even more busy now that he had to arrange two divorce papers. One for Dad and Caroline and one for me and Wyatt. "Enjoy the rest of your night."

           "Same to you," I replied. "Get home safe."

          Carter turned on his heel as he headed towards the gates of the mansion. As he opened the gate, he stopped and turned to me.

         "By the way, have you seen Sasha lately?" he wondered.

           "No but I'm sure Zende and Nicole have," I answered. "Why?"

          "Oh it's nothing," Carter lied, "just was surprised she wasn't at the party. Heard she was seeing someone." Yea I heard that too. She was seeing that new security guard and it was about time she left my cousin alone. I looked at Carter and he seemed a bit disappointed that Sasha was into someone. Could it be that he liked Sasha? I mean I get that Sasha's cute and all but I wouldn't exactly call her Carter's type.

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