Chapter Forty One: Brooke

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      My eyes gently fluttered opened as I saw Bill staring back at me. A smile that made him seem all the more handsome appeared at the side of his mouth as he removed an ice patch from off my forehead.

     "Thought you were never gonna wake up," He said gently.

      "Bill?" I asked.  I mean who else would be trying to take care of me. "What happened?"

       "You were out for a few seconds," Bill explained. A few seconds? Bill took my hands in his as I looked at him weakly. "But you're back now. Back to me."

      I rose up gently and noticed that I was laying on a bed. Bill and I were no longer at his office but rather in his private room that was hidden inside the office. The room where Bill and I shared plenty of passionate moments in. The room  that got me in trouble with my sister in the first place.

      "I should be leaving," I said as I slowly got up from the bed. I didn't want Bill and I to make love then and there because this would've been the perfect opportunity for such a thing to happen. Plus it was tempting.

      "No," Bill said as he gently pushed me back on the bed, "you need your rest Brooke. Let me take care of you."

     "You're not my husband Bill," I reminded him.

       "Not your husband yet  you mean," He corrected. He was so determine to make me his wife and I was flattered. "I haven't giving up on us and I know you haven't either."

     I was silent because Bill was right. I did have hope for Bill and I. I kept trying to push him away but it kept failing.

      "Why did you want to see me?" I asked him,  trying to change the subject as I took in a sigh.

       Bill sat down beside me as he looked into my eyes. "I wanted to ask you something Brooke," He answered. "Something that couldn't wait."

      "If this is about marriage Bill I-"

      "Not marriage yet, " Bill said as he continued, "I have decided to take a break from Spencer Publications permanently." I looked at Bill as if he was talking another language. He wasn't serious. "I am leaving it for the boys to run. In the mean time I will be on vacation in Abu Dhabi with Justin and Allison." Abu Dhabi? That was where Bill and I almost married a few years ago. "I want you to join us there. Join me there. You will never have to see LA again and all the ugly people living in it. I already found a nice huge house for us there and-"

     "Bill, I have family here," I told him.

     "And ?" Bill asked and I hinted some annoyance in his voice.

     "I just can't tell them that I'm going to Abu Dhabi with you," I replied, "I mean they don't care for you much."

      "And I don't care for them either so that's fair enough," Bill said straight forwardly.

      I stood up from off the bed as I thought about Bill's wonderful offer. A part of me really wanted to go. I loved  Bill. I loved  Abu Dhabi but something told me not to go. If I accepted his offer Ridge, Rick, and RJ may never talk to me again. I leaned on Bill's dresser as I felt Bill's safe arms wrap around my waist. He kissed me gently on the neck and I didn't stop him.

        "What is this really about Brooke?" He asked. "Are you still in love with that  Ridge?"

         "No," I answered.

        "Then what's the problem?" he wanted to know.

       I turned around to face Bill as I felt my eyes start to get watery.

      "I just can't," I answered as I felt my voice crack. I placed my hand on his cheek softly. "I'm sorry Bill." I turned away quickly and headed towards the door. Bill grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving and I refused to look at him.

     "You want to say yes Brooke, I know you do," He said and he was right. I did want to accept his invitation. I wiped a small tear from my eye with my free hand and looked at Bill.

      When I looked at him, I was reminded of what kind of man I needed in my life. Someone protective. Someone determined. Someone handsome. But the only thing that lingered in my mind was temptation and lust. The same temptation and lust that ended my relationship with my sister. Maybe it was guilt, I didn't know. But what I did know was that Bill needed me to reject his offer. He needed someone better to love him. Not me.

       "Goodbye Bill," I said brokenly. My hand slipped out of his gently as I opened the door and didn't look back. I couldn't. I left his office and waited for the elevator to come.

      I looked back at Bill's door to see if he was going to follow me but he didn't. I took in a sigh as my phone in my clutch vibrated. I took the phone out and saw that there was a missed call from a strange number as well as a voice mail. I listened to the voice mail and to my surprise it was from Ridge. He was telling me to come and see him at his office at Forrester's. I bet he just wanted to be nosy to see how it went with Bill and I. 

      The elevator came soon after I finished listening to Ridge's voice mail. I got in and pressed the first floor button as the door closed. Sure enough, Bill appeared from out his office as he stared at me through the glass doors of the elevator. I stared at him too as the elevator slowly went down to the next floor.

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