Chapter Twenty Nine: Cressida

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              Before I get judged anymore than I'm probably being judged now, I'd like to rewind a little bit so you could understand everything. Before I met Liam and Ms. Fuller, I was living in a low rent apartment in Hawthorne with my grandmother and my youngest sister, Rita. Unlike over here in Beverly Hills, Hawthorne's very small, slightly poor and less glamorous. I remember like it was yesterday. I was at a run down book store book signing my latest romance novel Roses By The Moonlight. Tons of anxious teen girls and young women stood in a long line waiting for me to sign their books. Of course there was always that one fan that had a bunch of questions that sometimes I the author didn't know how to answer myself.

       "I really love your book Miss Mills. My only issue was why did you make your main character black and not white? To be honest I thought a white woman would have been better for the Japanese love interest," A young woman in her early twenties said. She was white, obviously, and seemed a little annoying. I didn't know whether to be offended because I was black myself or whether to laugh at how dumb her question was. My pen stopped from signing her book. A closed mind like that didn't deserve my signature. "Also would you make a part two?" She asked. "You should. You can add a character name Jolene who Endo secretly loves and-"

         My phone rung and I was glad it did.

         "Scuse me," I said to her as I headed out of the bookstore to answer it. I hoped that when I was done with my phone call that that girl would be gone. "Hello?"

       "Hello," came an unfamiliar male voice, "is this Cressida Mills?"

       "Yes it is," I replied, "who is this?"

      "Hello Cressida, this is Dr. Braithwig, Josephine Mill's doctor," Yes, Dr. Braithwig, my grandma's doctor. Not only was he her doctor but he also trained with her when she use to teach back in the day. I use to have a crush on him before I realized that he had a husband. "I'm calling to inform you that we have found...we have...God, how should I say this to you."

        "You have found what Dr. Braithwig?" I asked slowly.

       "We have-why don't you come over here if you can," He said softly. "Some things are better said in person."

           "Okay," I told him. "I'll be there in a few."

         Dr. Braithwig hung up and I was getting a little scared. What did he have to say about my grandma that he couldn't tell me over the phone? I had to know. In a split second, I ditched my book signing and drove over to the hospital. I loved hearing how much people enjoyed my book and all but my grandma was by far more important. When I arrived at the hospital,  Dr. Braithwig was sitting down with his head in his lap. Was he okay?

    "Dr. Braithwig?" I asked and at once he raised his head from his lap. His eyes were red and puffy as though he had been crying.

      "Oh Cressida," He said with a sniff, "I-I-I-I-."

        "Are you alright?" I wondered.

       "Yes," He replied, "but your grandmother isn't."

       "W-W-What's wrong with her?" I asked stammering. Never in my life did I ever hear Dr. Braithwig tell me that my grandma was not okay. She was usually in good health, especially for an eighty five year old woman. Dr. Braithwig took my hands in his as I sat beside him. 

       "While I was doing an X-ray check on her the other day, I found this strange tiny thing in her brain," Dr. Braithwig explained. "I thought to myself, no this couldn't be and-"

       "This couldn't be what?" I demanded to know. Dr. Braithwig looked at me sadly and turned away. I turned his head to face me as my eyes watered. "Tell me Doc. Please."

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