Chapter Twelve: Caroline

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             I wasn't as excited as I was before to turn twenty nine today. I was really in no mood to celebrate my birthday anymore now that the day was here. I just wanted to rip down the beautiful job that Carter and the other decorators did with the Forrester mansion. I was just feeling lifeless as I sat in front of my bedroom mirror wearing the gray gown that Ridge had bought me. The gown didn't seem as beautiful as I thought it did a few days ago and neither did the person who bought it. I hated  Ridge. I hated everything that he did starting from lying that he was Douglas's father to not telling me that he wanted to end our marriage. Who was I kidding to ever think that he could love me more than his prized  Brooke. I should've known better.

         Ridge was so convincing though. He seemed like he loved me as I did him. Uncle Bill was right that I shouldn't had married him but I was too smitten by Ridge's charm to listen to him. I felt embarrassed and silly and wished that this was all a dream. It was reality and I just had to accept it and learn from it. I took in a sigh as I saw me and Ridge's private wedding photo staring straight at me. I use to love that picture but now I hated it. I took up the picture and tore Ridge out the photo, throwing him in the trash. A tear rolled down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. Everything that was beautiful would eventually wither away and become ugly.

         Since Ridge admitted that he wanted to leave me, I didn't see him much. He slept downstairs on the couch while I kept the bedroom to myself. I was eventually going to move out of his mansion but I needed some time to think where I'd go. I didn't see much of Steffy and Thomas either,  only Douglas and once in awhile a maid who gave me my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unhealthy way of living it was but it was for the best.

         I didn't know why I was all dressed up for something that I wasn't even going to attend. I didn't want to see familiar faces asking me about how Ridge and I were doing. I didn't want to pretend to everyone that I was happy when deep down I wasn't. I just wanted to go far away from the mansion and have some time alone with Douglas. I took in a sigh as I placed my half torn wedding picture of myself on top of my phone. I was going to be okay without Ridge. Of course somewhere deep in my heart I still loved him but I knew that I would be fine with out him.

       A soft whistle came from my phone as I was snapped back into reality. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was my mom calling. She always called me on my birthday to have my other mom, Danielle, sing to me. Cute it was but I wasn't in the mood to be sung to. I answered the phone and tried my best to sound happy.

           "Hey Mom," I greeted.

          "Finally  you answer your phone," Mom replied. What was she talking about? I always answer my phone for her. " I was wondering why you had a phone if you couldn't even answer your own mom."

      "I did answer you Mom," I answered confused. "I answered you on the second ring."

       "After you ignored my call earlier in the week I guess you're making it up to me," Mom said. Funny thing was I didn't remember her calling me and even if she did, I would have returned her call. "You were probably preparing yourself for your big day anyway so I understand. I figured  that you probably didn't want to come down to New York to see Danielle and I. I mean your husband is probably throwing you something big over in LA and-"

      "I would love to see you and Danielle, Mom," I replied.

       "You would?" Mom asked as if what I told her was hard to believe.

       "Of course," I answered. Especially since I was going through a divorce with Ridge, seeing my moms would be just what I needed.

        "But isn't Ridge-"

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