Chapter Ten: Sasha

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               After being whistled and cat called by a bunch of desperate ole slobs at different times, I managed to make it to Inari's house in one piece. I was use to men trying to hit on me wherever I went whether it was morning or night but today was a bit unusual. I assumed that it was because my thighs were out and we all know that guys love thighs. Still, I tried my best not to let those nobody's sour my mood as Nick, Maya and Rick tried to do already. The only thing that mattered right now was seeing Inari. Despite what today would bring I knew we were both going to have a good time with each other regardless.

       I felt excited to know that he wanted to see me but also nervous to know why he wanted me to meet him at his house and not at Forrester. I tried my best to keep a positive mind set as I walked past his beautiful garden of roses. As I neared the entrance of his cozy little home, I stopped when I saw that his front door was open wide. Did he not close the door back when he came home? Odd it was but I didn't want to question it too much. After all he did live in a very isolated area with just him and nature. Not like he had any nosy neighbors or any irritable family members eyeing his every move.

        I invited myself into his house as I carefully closed the door in behind me. I remembered he told me that he didn't like his doors to be wide open because he hated the gross bugs that snuck inside after him. He couldn't have hated the bugs all that much if he left it open. Then again we are only human and are allowed to make a few mistakes once in awhile. Maybe he was just tired from standing on his feet all day at Forrester and just forgot to close back his door. I didn't know for sure and I didn't wanna ask.

          "Inari," I called as I stepped into his dark little home, "i'm here." There was no answer as I slowly came forward, passing the portrait of his deceased wife. "It's me Sasha." I mean he probably knew that it was me calling his name at eleven in the night but I needed to remind him just in case. There was still no answer from Inari and I was beginning to get a bit nervous. Wasn't he home? 

      I continue to walk towards a red curly stair case that stood in the middle of his house. Maybe he was somewhere upstairs and couldn't hear me. I wanted to walk up the stairs to look for him myself but something told me that I should stay downstairs. I looked up at the staircase and noticed that there were dark red smears on each step. I looked at the smears closely and froze when I realized what those smears where. They were blood! They were blood stains. Inari had blood stains on his stair case and I wanted to know where did they come from. I prayed that the blood stains wern't his or anyone else's blood. I picked up my dress, carefully, preventing it from hitting the steps, and followed the stains. I was determined yet scared at the same time to find out where this blood was coming from.

       As I made my way to the top of the stair case, the same blood stain drops continued straight into a large dark room. Like the front door, the door to this room was open as if someone was expecting me. Apart from Inari I hoped no one else was waiting for me.

     "I-I-I-I-Inari?" I stammered. No answer. "Are you up here?" Upstairs was silent to the point that it almost felt haunted. I gulped as I slowly walked into the dark room.

      Once I entered the room, I felt something dance on my head from above. I quickly looked up as I saw a feathered wind chime swaying back and forth making a beautiful sweet whimsical sound. That beautiful thing almost gave me a heart attack. Since this wasn't my house I wasn't sure what I was going to expect here. I reached over to the left of the wind chime in hopes that I would find a light switch. As I reached for the switch, I froze as I heard heavy foot steps stop at the front of the door. I spun around in fear as I saw Inari standing by the door. I took in a sigh of relief, glad that he was there instead of someone else. I knew his beautiful regal face anywhere and he only seemed to have got handsomer from the last time I saw him.

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