Chapter Seventeen: Liam

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            "Look Steffy, I know that I went off on you the other day and I shouldn't have," I apologized as Steffy listened, "I just was angry and confused to why you would think that my girlfriend would be working with Quinn to kill me."

         "Because she is," Steffy replied and I paused. Seems she wasn't going to let this go and I wanted to know why. "Liam you know that I would never on my mother's grave lie to you."

       "I know you wouldn't Steff," I said, "but where is all this coming from? Do you not like Cressida?"

       "I don't," Steffy replied bluntly.

        "Why?" I wanted to know. She barely knew her and I'm sure that if she did, she'd love her.

         "I don't  trust her," Steffy answered, "and you shouldn't either."

         It was too bad because I trusted Cressida. If I didn't trust her then we wouldn't be girlfriend and boyfriend.

       "I ask again why?" I asked as I looked into Steffy's eyes. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't trust her?"

     "Because  she is wearing lion earrings," Steffy responded. I wanted to know how did that make sense. Believe me if this wasn't Steffy talking to me I would probably had walked my ass right back into the mansion. 

      "Pretty sure she's entitled to wear whatever she wants," I remarked as my eyes narrowed in confusion at Steffy. "How exactly does that make any sen-"

      "She's wearing  lion earrings Liam. The same lion earrings that Quinn wore when she use to work at Forresters," Steffy explained. "Don't you get it?" I didn't.

     "I honestly don't know what you're trying to imply Steffy but-"

       "One of the earrings has a small marking on it," Steffy continued, "and-"

       "If you're still trying to convince me that Cressida's working with Quinn to kill me, you're wrong," I said flatly.

       "Liam please. Listen to me," Steffy pleaded.

       "I tried  to listen to you Steffy," I said, "I tried  to make sense of all this but I really can't." Steffy stared at me wide eyed through her emerald brocade Venetian mask. "I apologized for yelling at you the other day but I'm starting to regret doing so."

     I turned on my heel and started to make my way back to the party. Steffy was already giving me a headache and I needed to get away from her. I needed to see Cressie. Maybe she'll take the headache away.

       "Why won't you believe me!" Steffy cried and I paused. "Why won't you believe anything I tell you?!" Easy because what she was telling me were all lies. I shook my head as I continue walking away from Steffy. "For crying out loud Liam, I love you!" I paused again as I heard Steffy say the L word. Maybe I was hearing things because that couldn't be. "I love you so much to the point that I'm determined to protect you from that girl! Hell, I even broke things off with Wyatt because I knew who my heart really wanted. It wanted you  Liam. It always has and always will."

       Steffy broke things off with Wyatt to be with me? Did Steffy just now declare her love to me? She loved me all this time even though she was married to my brother? Am I dreaming? Somebody tell me that I am because this sounded too good to be true.

      I turned around as I saw Steffy crying on the bench where I was going to leave her. I couldn't leave her. Especially not now. I loved Steffy too. Although I tried desperately to forget about her as I promised Dad, I knew that my  love for her was never going to fade. I know I was dating Cressida but she wasn't the same as Steffy. Beautiful like her, yes,  but not her.

       I walked back over to Steffy and slowly sat down beside her. I made a promise to myself eons ago that I would never do anything to make her upset. Even though I broke that promise the other day, I refused to break it again. I wrapped my arm around Steffy as I gently pulled her into me. She cried into me and God did it feel so good to be this close again to her.

     "Sssssh," I soothed, "it's alright. I'm here now Steffy. I'm here for  you."

     I leaned my chin on the top of her head as I continue comforting her. I hated myself for treating her as though she met nothing to me. Truth was she meant everything to me. Everything that Cressie didn't. I don't know why I spent these past three weeks trying to distract myself from Steffy. It wasn't fair to Cressie or to Steffy and I was wrong to think that I was completely over her.

      Steffy looked up at me as I gently removed her mask. The mask was lovely and all but I wanted to see her face. The face that has been missed for quite some time. In return Steffy removed mine, bringing my mask down to the point that it dangled down my neck. Although her mascara was smudged she was still pleasing to look at. Steffy rested a shaky graceful hand to my cheek as she slowly leaned closer and closer to me. I leaned close to her to as our lips made their way to each other. Reminded me much of the time when I invited Wyatt, Dad and Steffy to dinner to meet Cressida. Steffy and I almost kissed but big bad Dad came and ruined everything. This time there was no Dad in sight so there was nothing for us to  worry about. Steffy wanted me and I wanted her all the same.

     "Liam," came Cressie's voice. Steffy and I both froze. Cressida's voice sounded a bit too close to my liking. "Are you out here?"

      "No!" was what I wanted to say but I knew that would only lead Cressie here to us.

      "You should go," Steffy whispered as she pulled away from me. Believe me, I didn't want to go back to Cressie especially since Steffy told me how she felt about me.

     "Yea...I uh...I should," I said awkwardly as I stared at Steffy.

      "Liam!" called Cressie from God knew where.

      "I'm coming Cressie!" I called back as I put back on my mask.

      Steffy looked down at the ground not bothering to look at me. She didn't want to and I couldn't blame her. I was still dating Cressie and just because Steffy admitted that she loved me didn't mean I had the right to abandon Cressida. But you know what, I will abandon Cressie if what Steffy told me was true. If there was a small marking on Cressida's earring as Steffy claimed then I would leave her. After all, Steffy admitted how she felt about me so I can only do her a simple favor and check to see if Cressie really is working with Quinn to kill me. I know it's probably false but it wouldn't hurt but to check. I started to head slowly away from Steffy as I saw Cressida patiently waiting for me by the entrance of the mansion. As I got closer to Cressie I stopped midway to look back at Steffy. Sure enough she was also staring back at me as though she didn't want me to leave.

           Will we ever get back together Steffy? Will I ever have you back in my arms again? Only time will tell.

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