Chapter Five: Liam

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          "I...I...I..." Steffy started but she seemed as though she couldn't finish her sentence.

        "You?" I asked gently.  As I looked at Steffy I was reminded of how beautiful she was.

       "I have to go," Steffy replied. And just like that she collected her purse and left Dad's office.

      "Steffy, wait!" Wyatt, my foolish brother, called after her. He did  know that Steffy was already gone, right? There was no use calling her name.

       "Was she in a rush to go somewhere or something?" I asked.

      Dad sighed tiredly. "Who knows and who cares. What I do know though is that I am in a rush to get home. I'll see you boys later." And with that the old man left his office that he had an affair with Brooke in.

     I turned to Wyatt who seemed deep in thought about who knew what. "Are you playing deaf or what?" I asked him because he still didn't answer my question. "Was Steffy in a rush to go somewhere?"

       "Oh I don't know Liam," Wyatt said irritably.

       I gave a short laugh. "Well surprise surprise."

       "What's that suppose to mean?" Wyatt asked, sounding so innocent to the point that it sickened me.

      "Hmmm, let's see," I said in a sarcastic tone as Wyatt listened, annoyed, "you're her husband and she's your wife." It pained me to say that because Steffy should have been my wife. "You should know what's going on with her are you not?"

       "Hey, just because Steffy and I are married doesn't mean I eye her every move," Wyatt said. Could've fooled me. "I give Steffy space too you know."

   "Do you really Wyatt?" I asked dully. "Do you really? Because it just so happens that every time I try to bond with Steffy you do what you can to make me stay away from her. Right or wrong?"

      "Oh come on Liam!" Wyatt said. Getting all defensive he was. "The reason I did that was because I knew how desperate you were for Steffy."

        Desperate? Uh no.  Try saying "in love" bro.

     "But that's all in the past now," Wyatt continued. "Why are we even talking about this?"

     "I don't know," I lied. Truth was I just loved talking about Steffy.

     "Right," Wyatt said as he collected papers from off Dad's desk. "Anyway I shouldn't have to ask you to back off Steffy anymore. Now that you have someone in your life, there shouldn't be any problems."

       "Uh...yea. Okay," I said.

       Wyatt smiled an ugly corny one. "Can't wait to meet her."

      I'm sure he couldn't. Wyatt opened the door for me as the both of us left Dad's office


      As I left Spencer Publications  to go home, I hoped that I would run into Steffy. Wyatt had a lot to do so he had to stay the night to take care of things while Dad was home sleeping. I just wanted to talk to Steffy to make sure she was okay. And maybe stare into her beautiful eyes and-

     "Liam?" came a British accented voice. I turned around and there standing behind me was Dad's beloved secretary, Allison. "What are you still doing here?"

    "Allison..." I said not sure what to tell her, "I was just-have you seen Steffy?"

     "Who?" Allison asked. Don't play dumb!

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