Chapter Fifteen: Liam

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               Dad, Wyatt and Cressie lost me once they started talking about Shakespeare. I never liked Shakespeare when I was in school so what made them think that it was okay to talk about something that I had no interest in? As they blabbed and blabbed about stuff that I didn't care about, Steffy came to mind. This was the second time that she ran away from me and I wanted to know why. Was she upset about something? I needed to know.

          "That's a very complex and weird play," Wyatt said to Cressie after she told him that she had been in a play back in seventh grade. Didn't he care about Steffy's whereabouts? "Were you Helen?"

       Would he just shut up!

       Dad nodded his head as Cressie gave Wyatt a reply. Since all eyes were on my  beautiful Cressie, I used that chance  to escape to Steffy. I quietly pulled out my chair and headed outside. I turned around to see if anyone noticed that I just left my seat.  No one did. I turned the knob and stepped outside. Sure enough, standing there like a beautiful  ghost was Steffy. Her back was to me and I wished that she would turn around.

        "Well she's pretty," Steffy said and I froze. Was she expecting me to come out and meet her here?

        "Yea, I guess," I said plainly.  Cressie was pretty indeed...but not like Steffy. "Why did you run off like that?" Steffy was quiet. She still wasn't looking at me. "Steffy?"

     "I just needed some fresh air," She replied. But I knew very well that wasn't the reason.

      "And the other time?" I asked. "Back at Dad's office?"

      "I wasn't feeling well," Steffy answered. That was a weak answer.

     I reached my hand to Steffy's cheek, turning her face to me. Her eyes were full of tears. I gently wiped the tears away. I hated to see Steffy like this. Had she been with me not a tear would ever fall from her eyes.

       "I miss you Steffy," I said softly.

       "I miss you too Liam," She replied.  I leaned forward, about to kiss her, and she seemed like she wanted to kiss me too. As our lips were about to touch, the door opened. Steffy and I froze as we saw Dad, standing like a raging bull ready to charge.

      "What the hell is going on here!?" He demanded to know.

        "That's really not your concern old man," I replied, annoyed. I made a  protective stance in front of Steffy.

      Dad's face went red with anger. He looked at Steffy and pointed inside. "Inside now!" He roared. I begged she'd stay. Steffy looked at me as if she wasn't sure whether or not to listen to my big bad dad or just stay with me. "Make it today Steffy!"

       Steffy slowly walked away from me and headed inside the house that was suppose to be ours. She looked back at me but Dad slammed the door in her face.

       "You just can't keep your distance from her, can you?" Dad asked loudly. "How many times do I have to say this to you Liam, she's Wyatt's wife not yours."

       "But she should've been mine!" I yelled.

        "Well she's not," Dad said harshly. "Now you are going to respect your brother's marriage and-"

       Is he still with that bull shit. "I won't Dad!" I shouted. "I won't respect Wyatt's marriage and you wanna know why?" Dad stared at me evilly as I answered my own question. "I'll tell you why." Dad placed his hand on his hips as he listened. He probably was secretly wishing something wicked would happen to me. "You, the one who claimed to be the King of respecting marriages, didn't respect your own marriage to Katie when you were having an affair with her sister."

       "You need to really let that go," Dad said darkly. "That has nothing to do with Wyatt and Steffy's marriage and you know it."

      "Yea it does," I cried. Was I digging up old wounds for the old man? If I was then it was well deserved. "Because I actually listened to you. I stayed away from Steffy as your royal highness instructed me to. When I found out that you were hurting Katie, who you knew had a bad heart and a terrible drinking problem-"

         "LET THE PAST DIE LIAM!" Dad roared. "STOP HOLDING ON TO THINGS THAT DON"T CONCERN YOU OR ARE NO LONGER YOUR'S." If he was referring to Steffy being no longer mine then he was wrong. She's still mine old man. All mine. Dad inhaled as his face returned from red to normal. "You have a nice woman in there waiting or you," Dad said. I know that Steffy was-oh, he met Cressie. "Now you better go back to your dinner and forget about Steffy."

       "On second thought Dad, dinner is over ," I said firmly as I went back inside to Cressie, Steffy and Wyatt. I left Dad outside and I was glad I did. He was being an annoying asshole. I went into the dinning room to see Steffy on her phone while Wyatt and Cressie were laughing, having a jolly good time. Well this good time that they were having was about to end. "Alright folks, dinner's over," I said. Wyatt stood up and stared at me like I was talking another language.

      "What?" he asked. "So soon?"

       "Pretty much," I said shortly.

       "Where's Dad?" Wyatt asked.

      "Who knows and who cares," I replied. "I'll show you out." I pushed him towards the door. As we neared the door, Wyatt put all his weight on me, stopping me from pushing him out. He turned to me.

        "You did something to him didn't you?" He accused. More like he did something to me.

     "Of course you're always first to blame me," I said in a sarcastic tone. "Well aint that cute."

       But before Wyatt could say something back to me, Steffy came next to him and slid her arm in his. I really wished that she didn't do that.

       "We'll see you later Liam," She said quickly as she tried to pull Wyatt away. He wouldn't budge and I wanted to know why was he not leaving?

     "Cressida," he said as he looked over at Cressie who seemed a little sad, "want us to walk you home?"

       He did know that was my job to ask, not his.

      "I mean sure," Cressie replied as she looked at me,"if that's okay with you babe?"

     I was tempted to say no but since Cressie seemed like she wanted to go with him, I couldn't object.

     "Sure," I told her. Cressie smiled at me.

     "Love you," She said as she gave me a quick kiss.

     "Love you too," I said back. "Get home safe."

      Wyatt held the door open for Cressie. I saw a slight frown on Steffy's face but I didn't wanna read too much into that. Steffy followed after Cressie. Wyatt looked at me and I wanted to know what he was looking at.

      "Goodnight," He said.

      "Yea, yea," I murmered, "night."

      Wyatt closed the door behind him as I plopped down on my couch. I bet he was happy to be around two beautiful women. I took up my unfinished Brandy bottle from off the table. It had been there since last night and I hoped it still tasted the way it did when I first opened it. I placed the Brandy to my lips and reflected about today. Just know that we won't be having anymore dinner's like this for a while.

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