Chapter Forty Seven: Wyatt

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         After a long day of doing last minute work for Dad at the company that will soon be Liam and mine, I came home to an empty house. Steffy must've still been with Eric and I respected that. I still couldn't believe that Liam was still trying to make a move on my  wife. It was annoying and I hated him for it. He had Cressida, someone who actually seemed crazy about him, yet he abandoned her this morning without saying a word. Who does that? Liam just doesn't know how to treat women like poor Hope, Ivy and Steffy. Sad that Cressida soon might be added to that list.

           I took in a sigh and tried my best not to think about Liam. I didn't have to see him again until Caroline's party  and even then I don't think I would want to socialize with him. He did enough. I headed over to the kitchen and pulled out two tall glasses and a bottle of wine. Even though Cressida and I already partook in that delicious French wine at The Hymme A'la Sherry this afternoon, it was time to fine dine with the woman that I loved. I poured the wine delicately into the glasses and rested them on our table. Let this evening be dedicated to Steffy and I, to an endless happy marriage. I turned our light off and awaited for Steffy to arrive.

           As I waited for my lovely wife, I thought about Cressida. She definitely wasn't Liam's type. She was too smart for such a guy like him. It even shocked me that she knew the song Elaborate Lives from the musical Aida. Liam thought Aida was a type of cocktail so I doubt that they both sang tunes from that Broadway play together. There was just something beautiful about Cressida that I just couldn't put my finger on. She deserved so much better than Liam.

        My thoughts escaped me as the sound of a closing door was heard. I looked up and there was Steffy in a sexy burgundy dress that hugged her curves well. I was glad to see her and I know that she was probably glad to see me.

        "For a minute there I thought you weren't-" 

         "I have had it!" Steffy yelled as she flung her purse to the side. She looked so angry and so pissed that it scared me.

         "What did Eric say to you?" I asked concerned. I took her hands in mine.

          "More like what your mother did  to me," Steffy snapped as she snatched her hands away from me. I blinked in bewilderment.

          "M-My mother?" I questioned.

         "Yes that bitch who is forever testing my patience," Steffy said crossly.

          "Whoa, watch it Steff. That's still my mother even if you don't like her," I defended, "no need for the bad words."

        "Why are you defending her?" Steffy demanded to know. "Do you know what she is trying to do?" I said nothing as Steffy went on. "She's the reason why my grandfather doesn't want to talk to his family. She's the reason why Liam probably doesn't want to see me again. She's the reason why Liam has that Cressida as a girlfriend. She's-"

        "Hey hey," I said gently, "calm down."

        "I can't calm down when Liam is in danger because of your mother!" Steffy shouted.

        "How is he in danger?" I questioned.

        "You wouldn't understand if I told you." Steffy sniffed as she pushed passed me.

         "Try me," I said. "Let me get to the bottom of this."

          Steffy looked at me as she took in a breath. "After talking to Grand -dad, I went to get something to eat." I listened as Steffy continued her tale, "As I was walking out of Forrester, I saw Cressida walking so fast as though she was in a hurry. I decided to follow her, out of curiosity, and I almost wished I didn't. She led me to your mother's house and then... and then..." Steffy started to get all chocked up but she managed to continue, "and then I heard your mother tell Cressida to kill Liam and bring his heart to her."

        "What ?" I asked in shock. "You heard my mother tell Cressida that?"

         "Yes," Steffy said. "I tried to tell Liam this but he wouldn't listen."

          "I can't blame him Steffy. That sounds so out of this world," I told her. "Cressida doesn't seem like a killer and I don't think my mother would go that far and-"

        "Your mother is always  going to be in our lives as long as I'm with you," Steffy interrupted. "She's the reason why I'm married to you." That sounded like Liam talking, not Steffy.

      "For the millionth time, my mother is not the reason that you and I are married," I said irritably, "you chose to marry me."

        "Because I thought Liam didn't care about me," Steffy cried.

         "He didn't," I told her, "he was too busy taking your cousin home to Australia to even think about you." I looked at Steffy and my heart started to beat in fear. I was going to ask her a very serious question and I was scared more than ever to know her answer. "Are you still in love with him, Steffy?" Steffy looked away from me and I knew that wasn't a good sign. "Steffy, I'm asking you a question, are you still in love with Liam?"

        Steffy turned to me as I searched her eyes for an answer. I knew what that answer was and it was bringing tears to my eyes.

       "Wyatt  you've been a beautiful  husband to me," Steffy said as her voice cracked. "You were there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on but I can't do this any more."

       "C-C-Can't do what anymore Steffy?" I asked.

       "I can't stay here anymore knowing that I'm not happy," Steffy responded softly.

        "B-B-But I thought you were happy here with me?" I asked as I felt my own voice cracking.

       "I was," Steffy said as she sniffed, "but not anymore. I want a divorce."

       As soon as Steffy said that "D "  word I felt a sharp pain in my heart. She wasn't serious.

       "No Steffy. Y-Y-You can't possibly want that," I told her as my eyes began to water.

        "I do," She said as she held my face in her hands. Tears fell from my cheek as I looked at her. "I-I'm going to talk to Carter and have the divorce papers arrange  soon. Until then, I'm going to stay with my dad for a bit. I'll send Thomas to collect my things later." I was too busy overcome with sadness to reply her. She kissed me on the forehead as she went head to head with me. Tears fell from both our eyes and I just wished this was all a dream. "Goodbye Wyatt."

         Steffy let go of my face and headed to the door. I grabbed her hand and stared at her blurry silhouette through my tears.

       "Don't go," I breathed. "Please don't go."

       "I'm sorry," Steffy said as her nose turned red. She turned away from me and headed to the door.

        "Steffy wait." But it was too late. The door closed behind me and I knew that she was gone for good.

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