Chapter Twenty Four: Maya

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                Whatever it was that Mama was calling about it had to be important. For one thing, Mama was old fashioned and didn't really like using phones much. I tried calling her while Rick and his mom were talking but her phone went straight to voice mail. I had no choice but to go over there myself to see what was going on. I just hoped it had nothing to do with Dad or Sasha. As I made my way over to my parent's house, I regretted not inviting Rick. It wasn't like I didn't want him there or anything... just that I didn't want to involve him into my families affairs the way he did me. I hoped Rick understood that.

            When I got to my parent's house, I saw Zende sitting on the front porch. He was staring into space with a  sad look on his face.

         "Hey Zende," I greeted as I walked over to him. Zende looked at me and then looked away.

        "Yea hey," He replied. He seemed really out of it.

        "Everything okay?" I asked him.

         "Yea...just thinking that's all," He answered.

         Thinking? No offense to him but he wasn't a thoughtful kind of guy. I knew that something was wrong with him but I didn't bother to ask him. He probably wouldn't tell me anyway.

       "Think away then," I told him as I headed inside.

       "Maya," Zende said as I turned to look at him, "can you tell Nicole that I will be at Forrester's?" Didn't see why he couldn't tell her himself but I nodded.

        "Sure," I replied, "I'll tell her."

        "Thanks," Zende said as a small sad smile appeared on his face. He then placed his hands in his pockets and slowly left the house.

     I hope he and Nicole weren't having any issues. Then again, everything will soon start to make sense once I talked to Mama.


            "Curse that girl!" Dad said. He was laying on his belly on the couch as Mama placed a hot towel on his back. 

           "Stop cursing people Julius," Mama told him irritably.

         "I'm actually on Dad's side Mom," Nicole said, "Sasha deserves all the cursing she could get."

       "Okay can some one tell me what Sasha did this time?" I asked. I wasn't surprised that this was about Sasha.

       "More like what she didn't do," Dad said in disgust. He made a pained expression as Mama squeezed the water from the towel onto his back. I wanted to know what happened to his back.

        Mama turned to me as a sad and tired look appeared on her face. "Sasha got robbed yesterday," She explained, "didn't even bother to tell any of us about it."

      "Only Zende," Nicole added, disgust in her voice.

        "Really?" I asked shocked. Mama nodded.

       "Then again, are you really surprise that she wouldn't tell anyone," Nicole said flatly.

       "No," I replied, "not really." Then I turned to Mama. "But she's okay right?"

         "Yes baby. She's fine, thank God."

         "No offense to Sasha though," I said, "but for some reason I knew that she would get herself in some kind of trouble like that."

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