Love Hate

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I woke up, it was 6am. Stampy was, again, nowhere to be seen. I had thought about setting off without him, but soon realised that I would be greatly hated by all of his and my fans, and also- we were supposed to be in this together.. But I hadn't seen him in days..

I crawled out of my lonely bed and plastered sunscreen over my body before stepping outside then upstairs where, to my surprise, I saw Stampy sitting on the bench with a cigarette between his teeth.
I squinted as I sat down beside him.
"Hi." I said, awkwardly.
"Conversation now?"
"You don't smoke." I told him,
"Nor do you." He said, handing me a cigarette. I hesitated before taking the small roll between my middle and index fingers, lighting the tip with a rusty lighter.
I breathed in an unknown air before coughing it out: something was wrong.
"Oh my god! That's not tobacco!"
"Well the guy didn't do tobacco.."
"Stamps what the hell?! This stuff is illegal!" I took his cigarette out of his mouth and chucked it off the side of the boat.
"Hey! You're gonna kill the wildlife!" Stampy yelled,
"Well you're gonna kill yourself!" I replied, "and if it matters to you that much.." I grabbed a net and picked up the mushed cigarettes from the ocean and dropped them into his hands, he flicked them away onto the floor.
"How's this going to sound on the media?! Children's superstar Stampylongnose gets high!"
"I'm not high!"
"Get a grip, stamps. If we want to complete this challenge then we have to work together." I said, but he didn't listen, try harder, I sighed, "look stamps we shouldn't have fallen out. Okay. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I would never let anyone stop me from being your friend."
That got him to listen, I pulled out my hand and he took it as I helped him up. We shook hands, blankly smiling.

"So- are we almost in spain?" I asked him.
"Yep, only a couple miles away from it, see if you look really far in the distance to your left? That's the edge of the Bay of Biscay- the Spanish side of it."
"¡hola!" I laughed, sipping on my glass of water before tripping over my own feet and spilling the water over myself. We both just laughed,
"I'm not the only one that's high!" He giggled. I rolled my eyes, smiling.
"Mate.. " I threw him a mini packet of skittles,
"What are these for?"
"Sugar: a substitute."
"I wasn't serious about-"
"Yeah you were though."
He bit his lip then opened the packet of skittles with his teeth throwing them into his mouth.

"So.." I began,
"What?" He asked, still slightly annoyed with me.
"We seriously aren't gonna talk about this.."
"I'm over Beth-"
"Are you?"
"" He sat down on the bench and I sat down beside him, looking out at the stunning blue view, I wrapped my arm around his neck.
"Y'know I had a girlfriend when I was seventeen and- and I don't know why I ever went out with her." I began, "I left her in the living room when I went to the bathroom and I heard her screaming and I ran out and she was like WHATS THAT?! And it was a cow.. She had never seen one before.." I got a faint smile out of Stampy, "I was once sitting on the sofa having a night in with her watching Jaws, none of us had seen it before, after it was over I was a bit freaked out until she said 'I'm alright -I don't believe in sharks-' And I was dying laughing! Absolutely in stitches... Yeh she dumped me because I apparently 'didn't take our relationship seriously' but.. Honestly, it was impossible to." That got Stampy smiling again.
"God Squid you really had a weird type."
"Nicole is better- she has seen a cow before."
"Well I hadn't seen a cow before I met you!"
"Oh that was mean!" I gave him a friendly nudge, "Moo!"
"Wonder what it was like seeing a cow for the first time.." Stampy said.
"Well just you go wondering about that while I get you a beer, mate."
"Thanks, mate." He said, I smiled, "no, really, thanks, I could have continued to go out with someone who robbed me and used me."
"No you couldn't have." I replied, smiling before walking down the stairs.

When Squid walked down the stairs inside the boat I rested my chin on my hand and looked out at the sea, I thought about Sqaishey.. Do I ring her? Do I even want to break up with her? Do I even want to see her again...? But the truth is I do..

I'm feeling a rare pain.. The pain of heart break..
But you see: It's more common than you think, heart break;
It's always there, waiting to crack and destroy you.
Many say that you can't really hate someone until you love them:
I wonder if I ever loved them at all.

"-mate! Help!" I heard David's panicked words,
"Dave what's wrong?!" Scrambling down the stairs I ran into the kitchen to see that one of the giant 20 litre water tanks had burst and flooded the kitchen.
"Oh my god when did this happen?!" I asked,
"It must have literally just happened- it was fine here half an hour ago,"
"Alright.. Where's the buckets?"
"Just under the sink."

I paddled across the flooded kitchen towards the sink where I lifted the buckets and started to scoop up water with them; we spent hours doing this, before mopping the floor and letting it air dry overnight.

David and I lay in bed together, on our backs in silence and exhaustion;
"So we've only got one and a half tanks of water left.. Where will we make the stop to get more?" I asked,
"Somewhere in mid Africa- preferably somewhere where there isn't too much conflict."
"Well then, gotta start drinking sparingly."
"Not too sparingly, don't want you passing out on me."
"Well you drink like a fish!"
"No I don't!" He defended before rolling over for a bit and popping his head back around, "I drink like a squid."
I laughed then rolled over and closed my eyes.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now