The Liars

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I sat at the hospital for hours. Just watching Joe, alone.
It was after midnight, and I continued to stay with him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow.
I sat with him all night, until I fell asleep at around 2am.
When morning broke I continued to watch Joe's every breath. Making sure that he stayed within my sight.
I hadn't eaten or drank anything in over twelve hours.
My eyes were dark purple with tiredness.
My mind was spinning with unanswered questions, loose ends and issues... What was I going to do ..
There was a knock on the door, it was Peter. I looked up at him as he sat down beside me,
"How is he?" He asked,
"Same. Breathing." I muttered,
"Take it you didn't get much rest last night."
"About an hour or so."
"Go back to mine and get some sleep, I'll watch him for you." He said, throwing me the keys,
"You're amazing man." I said, catching the keys in my left hand and putting them into my pocket,
"It's two houses left to Lily's: 17A."
"Thanks, mate." I said, "see you later. Give me a call if you need me." I said, holding up my phone.
"On it."

As I walked out of the hospital and back into the streets I thought about what I should do. Do I just go home after this and stay with Nicole, not telling her a thing about my family. Or do I get back with Lily? But Lily's boyfriend is a genuinely nice person, I couldnt ruin that relationship.
As I walked towards Peter's house I noticed Lily walking down from her porch,
"Hey!" She called, running over to me.
She held my hands and looked into my eyes.
"Hi." I said, looking down.
"What's up?" She asked,
"You know exactly what's up."
I sat down on the steps at the front of her house beside her.
"I can't be part of your life." I told her,
"What? But what about Sarah?"
"I can't.. Do this." I said, taking my hands from in between hers.
"Peter is an amazing guy. You two will go far together."
"It could have been us.. Dave." She sighed.
"No it couldn't." I said, "I don't make you happy, you don't make me happy. Peter makes you happy and Nicole makes me happy."
"But we were a thing, you promised you'd never leave me."
"We were a thing ten years ago, then you left me." I put my hands on her shoulders, "stay with your family." I said, "get married, have more kids, do whatever you want just don't do it with me, do it with Peter."
I noticed a tear fall from her eye. I hugged her. Closing my eyes with tiredness and sadness.
"Sarah is your daughter, and you will look after her with your life."
"I will." She sobbed,
"Please." I gulped, as a tear fell from my eye.
I wiped the tear away, standing up I looked at Lily.
"Go have fun." I said, kissing her cheek before walking away.

I didn't want lily to see that I was going to stay in her boyfriend's house. So I walked along the road until I noticed Courtney Holt's house. I reluctantly knocked on her door until she answered.
"David? Oh god you look awful, please come in."
I followed the tall, blonde lady into her living room, it was so hot, all I wanted to do was sleep.
"What happened?"
"Stamps got shot." I sighed,
"By who?"
I hesitated before answering this. I felt physically sick thinking about my brother doing something like this.
"Amud." I said, even though Amud was Tom.
"I thought that he was arrested!"
"So did i." I sighed. My hands were shaking.
"You need to rest." She said,
"I- I better go." I said, I was still shaking, I was so overwhelmed. My breathing started to increase as I stepped out of her house and back onto the road, it was getting dark outside but it was still boiling hot. I felt under so much pressure. I noticed about ten kids walking around, they spotted me then ran towards me. I couldn't do this.. It wasn't the time.. I needed to be alone.
I started to walked faster towards Peter's house, I felt so light-headed and I knew that any second now I was going to collapse in front of about ten fans.
My legs started to cripple as my head span and my hands shook. I walked to the door of Peter's house and pulled out the key, but my hands would not stay still enough for me to put the key in the hole.
More people started to walk closer to me and surround me, when I finally managed to unlock the door I closed the door shut behind me and fell to the ground.


I woke up in a bed. I wasn't sure exactly where i was or how I got there. I wasn't even sure what day it was.
I heard people talking, so I pressed my ear against the wall.
"So who's looking after Joseph now?" It was Peter's voice.
"Some blonde lady called Courtney, she said she's his manager." Lily responded,
"And how's Sarah?" Peter asked,
"She's okay. I've given her a week off school."
"Why was she involved with those two? Like what a coincidence that your ten year old daughter and a guy you knew from school ten odd years ago.." Peter stopped speaking, my heart was racing. Had he figured it out? That I'm Sarah's father?
"Lily. I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to tell me the absolute truth."
"Okay." Lily said, she was feeling exactly the same as me right now.
"When did you move away from England?" He asked,
"T-ten years ago." Lily responded nervously,
"Why did you move away from England?"
"Why are you doing this Pete?"
"Answer the question."
Lily took a breath, "because I had just given birth to Sarah."
I had my head pressed against the wall, trying to keep back the tears. I needed to leave the house before he figured it out.
"When did you do your Chemistry A-Level?"
"T.. Ten years ago."
"And was David in your class?"
"Peter I love you."
"So it wasn't a coincidence that they were both captured!" He yelled, "I can't believe you never told me. I can't believe you lied to me.. David is Sarah's dad. "
I sat on the bed. Terrified. I had no idea what to do.

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