Night Before

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After the premiere, David and Nicole split off to Nicole's hotel and Beth and I went to Beth's. The taxi brought us to a huge skyscraper which I recognised as one of the buildings that David and I had jumped off the night before.. I wouldn't tell Beth that.
"What floor are you on?" I asked her, stepping into the lift, we had the whole lift to ourselves which I liked.
"Floor 48." She said,
"Wow! I don't think I've been in a building with more than 6 floors!" I exclaimed before I caught her gaze.
"Cool isn't it." She said, distracted, I put my hands on her cheeks and pushed her up against the wall kissing her.

"So what's Stamps and Sqaishey doing now?" Nicole asked me as I opened her hotel room door,
"Probably making out knowing him." I laughed, closing the door and helping Nicole onto the bed.
"You think so little of your companion." Nicole giggled as I shifted her onto the pillow and crawled on top of her.
"Which companion?" I asked her, knowing her,
"Me." She smiled,
"Oh yeh, very little, you're a very bad girl." I flirted, nudging my nose against hers and kissing her cheek.
"Come on you can do better than that!" She giggled, putting her hand in my hair.
"We can't kiss in front of the baby!" I complained,
"Well.. Technically we are behind the baby.." She replied before I kissed her on the lips. I could tell that Nicole was exhausted, so after about an hour of name picking and lying in bed I decided that it was time for me to leave.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I whispered in her ear, pulling the covers over her chest and kissing her cheek.
"Dinner at 7?"
"Dinner at 7." I assured her, letting go of her hands, grabbing my blazer and carrying it in one arm and doing up my tie again. I winked at her before turning out the lights and closing the door.

In the taxi back up to the port I texted Joe.

Are you coming back to the boat tonight?


Nope ;)

I managed to respond before Beth unbuttoned the final button of my shirt. I lay down below Beth before my phone buzzed again.

You dirty animal! See you tomorrow. ;p

"David?" Beth asked as I laughed, putting my phone on the bedside table.
"Yep." I smiled, grabbing her waist, my fingers unzipped and pulled down her dress as our lips locked.



The next morning I picked up my various items of clothing on the ground, Beth was still sound asleep as I got dressed into my clothes again, the lighting was bright, I could hear the sounds of the traffic below us. I closed my eyes and kissed Beth tasting just for a second before her eyes opened.
"Sorry." I smiled, running my finger down her neck and chest.
"You gotta go?" She asked, blinking,
"Yeh, gotta get showered and changed I'm afraid."
"If you must." She whispered with her cherry lips. Tentatively touching my collar before kissing my neck. I put my hand over her mouth and kissed her one last time on the lips.
"Why'd you push me away?" She asked, smiling.
"It tickled." I laughed. Petting her hair before I started to walk out of the room.
"Wait!-" she began,
"What?" I asked, bending my head back to her.
"Actually... Nevermind." She giggled. I rolled my eyes, smiling and walked out of the door.

As I walked down the street towards the harbour I noticed loads of people giving me weird looks as I walked past. Making me feel slightly self conscious.
"Good night last night?" Some guy laughed walking past me, how do they know?
"Someone found themselves a player." A girl giggled. I looked past really confused. Maybe they just recognised me from the boat trip or YouTube..

I woke up to the sound of Joe walking down the steps into the kitchen.
"You're back!" I exclaimed, still not fully awake. Joe walked into the cabin,
"I am." He said, lying down on the bed beside me.
"Good night?"
"Very." He replied, "although people here are weird, on my way back here they were giving me weird looks."
"Great." I laughed, rolling my eyes and getting up. "So what's on the agenda today?"
"Uh.. Last day in the city, Shopping? Fuel up and stock up on food and water, then we've got that dinner tonight."
I just started laughing,
"W..what..?" He asked nervously,
"I think I know why people where giving you weird looks."
Then the penny dropped for Stampy, "shit I don't have lipstick on my neck do I?" He ran immediately over to the mirror. I burst out laughing at him.
"Why didn't she tell me! I was walking around like a right player!" He immediately started scrubbing the red kiss marks from his neck and chest.
"You really did have a good night didn't you mate!" I laughed, "now now you should not have to take your trousers off to wipe up the lipstick!"
Joe just laughed, "I'm going for a shower you cow." He shut the bathroom door and I lay back down in bed.

I thought about Nicole and the new baby.. Hoping everything would be okay..
What if it was something in my genetics that made Sarah be born three months early.. What if the same happens to this child.. What if they don't survive..
At that moment I got a call from Nicole, I answered it immediately. 
"Hello?" I answered just as Joe walked out of the shower and grabbed some clean clothes from the wardrobe before walking back into the bathroom.
"D-Dave I need you t-to come over." She cried,
"W-what's wrong? What happened?! Are you okay? Is the baby okay?!" I asked, anxiety kicking in.
Joe's head popped through the door, he was listening into what I was saying,
Nicole started crying and breathing heavily, "I don't know I just need you to come over! Please!"
"Alright, alright shh.. You'll be okay I'm coming over now."I said before hanging up and grabbing a long coat quickly.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Joe asked,
"I- I dunno, but she sounds like she's in pain.. I've gotta go."
"Do you want me to come help?" Joe asked, I thought about this for a moment,
"Please." I begged, grabbing the keys and running out of the boat with Joe behind me.

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