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I was up on deck driving/falling-asleep-by-the-wheel, when my phone started ringing.
I turned around to see that Nicole was calling, and so I picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello!" I greeted happily,
"Hello my fabulous fiancé!" She giggled,
"Wow! What's gotten you so giddy?!" I asked, smiling,

My eyes squinted open, I had a bit of a headache.. I took off my clothes and walked into the shower.
"Stamps! Stamps! Get out here!" David yelled.
Rushing, I wrapped a towel around me, I sprinted into the kitchen and grabbed a knife- just incase there was a shark- and ran out on deck.
"Dave are you alright?!" I asked,
"Hahahahaha.." he just giggled, unable to keep a straight face.
"I thought something was wrong what's up?" I said, dropping the knife on the table. His laugh made me smile as I sat down beside him.
He picked up his phone,
"I just got a call from Nicole."
"Ooh Kay." I said, where was he going with this?
"And she told me that.. that .." he covered his mouth.
"Okay the suspense is killing me just tell me already!" I said.
"Nicole is pregnant."
I took a moment to sink all this new information in..
"Yes. Three months pregnant."
"My thoughts exactly!"
"Oh my god just give me a hug already!" I said, laughing. "I can't believe this! Congratulations! Oh my god!"
David just laughed as I hugged him, "-and other good news" he began, pointing at the sea... or what I thought was going to be sea..
"I can see land!" He said,
"Have we just crossed the Pacific Ocean?!" I laughed, "after all these months!"
"Yep- that is Panama, we gotta go through another Canal, get through the Caribbean and then up by Florida to New York, then just across the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.. to home." David said, the word home made me smile, we were about 2/3s of the way there.

"So- have you any idea where the canal is?" I asked him, putting a hand over my eyes and squinting.
"Nope- but it's a small country, we'll find it." David responded,
"It's not that small." I pointed out, looking at the world map and comparing it to other countries.
I pointed to where the canal was on the map of Panama. "So.. we need to go North a tiny bit."
"North east, don't push it." David laughed before he shook himself.
"You alright?"
"Yep.. just sinking in."
"God yes! I'm gonna be a dad! Like.. a real dad. I'm gonna get it right this time."
I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder,
"You will get it right, you do get it right and you always have." I told him.
He blankly smiled, looking at a folded up photo of Sarah.
"Would this have happened if she was still alive?" He asked me.
"Well.. I don't know." I asked him, trying to not make him upset.
"She was my only daughter I should have done better." He said.
"Listen- you did more than you should have. You believed that she was adopted, you could have lived your life knowing that. Please, Dave, don't feel guilty anymore. Have the fresh start. Have your child, get married, go and live."
"Wow.. okay.." he sighed,
"And while you go live I'm gonna get dressed." I said, as I was still in only the towel.


As I sat driving the boat I noticed a text from Mr Frawder- our new 'amazing' boss.
Please attach an image of yourself and Joseph smiling at the camera. For tomorrow.
Regards, Mr. C. Frawder.
"Eww." I said,
"Did I just say that out loud?" I looked around to make sure Joe wasn't listening as I leaned up against the table, the boat then took a jolt and a wave of immense pain hit my thigh.
Why Joe?! Why did you leave the knife there?!
I gave a groan of pain, grabbing a towel which was on the railings and trying to stop myself from bleeding.
"What happened?" Joe asked, running up on deck.
"N-nothing." I responded, sitting down on the bench and putting my bleeding leg to the side.
"I heard you groan- did you hurt yourself?"
"Oh no- just bumped my knee on the.. uh.. wall."
He looked at me then at the empty drivers seat.
"So who's driving?" He asked,
"You are." I replied, pushing him onto the driver's seat and trying my best not to limp down the stairs alone.
I grabbed some of the tablets from the cupboard and threw them in my mouth, swallowing half a litre of water after it.
I put a towel on the sofa and lay down on top of it in agony.

When night fell I heard the engines turn off and the anchor go down.  I draped a towel over my legs and pretended to sleep.
"Mate?" I heard Joe say, shaking my shoulders.
"What?" I asked, squinting,
"You just fell asleep down here- are you alright?" He asked me, sitting down beside me,
"I'm fine. You can have the bed to yourself, I'm comfy here." I said, however I hadn't felt this uncomfortable in my life. Any second now I felt like I would pass out, at least it would look like I was sleeping. The knife was still stuck in my thigh, I didn't have the courage to yank it out, I knew I would have to soon, just not when Joe was here.

At last, Joe went into the cabin with a worried look on his face. I waited about an hour before I limped up on deck. The pain was obscene. I clenched my fists in agony before I stepped into the cool, salty sea.
It was about 11pm, its was dark, I couldn't see a single star.
By moonlight, I tugged at the knife, I tried to hold on to the ladder but it was just too painful, I let out a scream as I finally pulled the knife out of my thigh.
My eyes narrowed, but I couldn't focus.. I wished that I could see the stars, but my eyes closed and my grip on the ladder loosened. I began I drown but I couldn't do anything.
Please help me Joe.. help me.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now