The New Boss

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It was good to be back on the boat.
The sun was setting on Christmas Eve. The sky was red and we could barely see Australia anymore. It was just when I was about to sit down and put the boat in auto pilot that I got a call.
"Unknown number- will I answer anyway?"
"Yeh, probably." Stampy said, sitting down and closing his eyes in the sunset.
"Hello?" I said, picking up the phone.
"Hi is this Joseph Garrett or David Spencer?" A posh man asked,
"David Spencer, and you?"
"My name is Harry Ardtole, I am the new manager for maker-studios."
"Oh," I couldn't find any more words to say to him,
"You don't seem very flattered Mr Spencer."
"Oh no it's great." I said, feeling told off. Something told me that I wasn't going to like this new manager.
"Well we are going to have to fix your attitude. Especially toward important people. Also, could you tell me what you are wearing today?"
"Uhh... A t-shirt and shorts... Why?"
"And what is Joseph wearing?"
"Pretty much the same." I said, looking over at Stampy.
"Well you two have to step up your dressing standards, you are on international television! Also, you should be calling your colleague by his character name."
"I usually do." I said, truthfully. "So, you expect us to wear suits and ties in this heat every day?"
"I most certainly do, I also would prefer if you didn't question me. You're going to New Zealand, am I correct?"
"Well where's the money going to come from? You have to go to New Zealand! We need you to advertise the boat trip, the trip of a life time, the one experience that has changed your life. Think of the profits you will make."
"Sir, we calculated our fuel intake precisely to Panorama, that was supposed to be our next stop."
"Who is the boss here?"
"Are you aware that we are paying the fuel cost with our own money? Should Maker Studios be paying for that?"
"Well since you've been questioning me again, no, I don't think they should. See you in two weeks, New Zealand, top island, not the tropics."
"I must be going, safe flight."
"Safe flight..." I mocked, putting the phone down.
"Stampy! We have a new manager!" I exclaimed,
"What's his name?"
"Harry Ardtole."
"What does he want?"
"To see us in New Zealand for 'profits'"
"What? We're supposed to be going to South America! New York is in just over 3 months, we've got to get across the Pacific in time."
"Well, this guy wants money." I sighed,
"What was his name again, Harry Ardtole?"
"More like Harry ArseHole."
"Or Hairy Ar-"
I started laughing, sitting down.
"So do we go to New Zealand or not?" I asked,
"It's completely off course, and I kind of want to go to the conference in New York more."
"We've gotta make the decision now before it's too late, I mean it's not totally off course to be fair."
"David this new boss sounds like an absolute stuck up twat who just wants money. I don't ever want to meet him!"
"That's a bit prejudice."
"Well he's all pride! He's probably knows a dictionary off by heart and knows the names of all the popes." Joe said. "I want Courtney back."
"Course you do."
"I don't love her Dave." He said,
"Then what did she whisper in your ear?" I asked,
"None of your business." I took a step back,
"Excuse me! We've been living together for almost a year and your not gonna tell me what she said? Is it really that bad?"
"No it's just.. "
Joe sat down. He was about to tell me something big. So I sat down beside him.
"What I'm about to tell you I need you to promise not to tell anyone." He said,
"Okay..?" I responded, sitting right in front of him.
"I am the father of Courtney's child." He said, my eyes widened,
"She got pregnant months ago-"
"It was when I was in Madagascar.. You were in England." He said. My mouth dropped.
"Oh god stamps." I said, covering my face with my hands, "oh god what have you done."
"I was on something.. I was angry, lonely, drunk or high."
"So when you were listening to me and Nicole breaking up you were going down on Mrs Holt!"
"No! No it's not like that!" He defended,
"You knew! You knew I was having the worst time of my entire life but you didn't care because of the pretty blonde lady between your legs!"
"David I do not love her!! I made an incredible mistake and-"
"After you hearing about what happened to me, what happens when you have kids! What did she whisper in your ear Stamps?"
"She said that the child was mine." Joe muttered,
"And what did you reply?"
"Abort it."

I just stared at him. He wasn't just a cheater, he was a murderer.
"You've got to tell Beth."
"I did."
"What did she say?"
"Three words: I hate you." I looked up at Joe,
"Funny that's exactly what Nicole said to me when she broke up with me the other day."
"Why did she break up with you."
"We're back together just- stuff happened. You aren't the only one keeping secrets."
"What?" He asked,
"I lied you Stampy. The girl who was captured with us, Sarah, she is my daughter. Lily is still alive, and guess what I couldn't keep my hands off her when I saw her after I left you in hospital. Yeh. You were almost dead and I was under the sheets with my ex. How does that feel? Then I got arrested for 'shooting you' and my brother is apparently amazing at framing people. Nicole found out about everything and dumped me. Sorry." I said sternly, filling up with rage.
"You told me you didn't need a therapist." Joe said,
"I don't need a therapist I just need a friend." I replied, before Joe put an arm around my shoulders,
"You needed more than a friend, that's why you kissed me." Joe said,
"But we're just friends." I said, leaning closer,
"Just friends?" He asked, putting a hand on my knee,
"Yeh." I breathed, putting our foreheads together, closing our eyes. It was one of those days that you couldn't laugh or cry. You wished that you could just reverse time and stop everything.
"Let's go to New Zealand." I whispered, "Beth needs you and you need Beth."
Joe nodded, looking down.
We got another phone call, this one was from Courtney. I let Joe answer it.
Joe walked down the stairs, I knew it wasn't a good phone call, the tone, the questions he asked, "are you okay?" "How do you know?" "I'm so sorry."
After about an hour Joe walked back up to me, I could see that he had been crying. It took a lot to make him cry.
"Courtney- Courtney had a miscarriage. I know, that's what I wanted but.. "
I nodded, standing up and hugging him.
"Courtney's not the one you want to have kids with, Joe. Beth is."
"Yeh. Beth is." He repeated.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now