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Gasping, I tried to reach for the radio as Amud whacked my face with his gun.
"Amud! You are going to kill him!" Someone yelled.
I felt my eyes close.. The radio was silent.. My eyes were slowly closing..

We had been up in the research room for hours, the blue sci-fi lights blinded me, constant beeping and American voices calling.
"Right they are only 8.6 miles off the coast of Somalia." Someone shouted sternly, I couldn't understand how they kept calm in these situations.
"Any report on Spencer?" Another man asked,
"I've zoomed in on the cameras.. Mr Spencer is in the corner... I think they're yelling at him."
"Any idea what they're saying?"
"We've got no sound, sir! We need to get a radio attached to the boat ASAP."

I couldn't take this anymore,
"I'm gonna freshen up, call me if anything happens, okay?" I said, they nodded and I made my way down the corridor to my cabin on board this giant ship.

I walked into the cabin, closed the door and walked straight into the bathroom, splashing my face with water.
This is going to be all over soon.. David will be fine..
I closed my eyes with fatigue and fear.
I walked back into the bedroom to see Beth asleep in my bed. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside her: her eyes blinked open.
"Sorry I-" she began.
"Jet lag?"
"When'd you get here?"
"About six hours ago. "
"..well." I sighed, not wanting to flatter or disturb her.
"You must be worried." She said,
"Yep." I said. Biting my lip.
"I'm here for you."
"Maybe sometimes I don't want you to be here. Maybe I'd rather you be at home publishing my videos. Why do you want me to come home so much anyway?"
"It's complicated.."
"Just.. " I could have told her that I had all day, but I didn't. And I knew I wouldn't listen either.
"When you go home will you publish my videos please?" I asked her,
She nodded, a tear fell from her eye, I wiped it away.
"Listen I know you want me to come home but.. How could I be expected to return home after this?" I stared out the window at the stamping squid.
"I'll leave you to your deductions." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder, "you love puzzles don't you?"
I tried to ignore her. But she put a hand on my face, I looked into her bright blue eyes, I leaned forward.. Our lips so close..
"Mr Garrett do you copy?" The radio buzzed, I pulled away from my trance and walked towards the radio.
"Yeh, go ahead." I said, putting on a clean shirt,
"You might wanna come up here."
I ran up the stairs to the office room, everyone, for once was silent.
I was handed the radio.

"Stamping Squid do you copy?" I asked, and repeated twice.
I was shocked that it was David that answered.
"Stamps.. Stamps you gotta help me.. Please.."



"Hey American! Look." Musé dragged me by the rope around my neck up to the window.
"Look, there Somalia." Musé giggled, we'd be there in only a matter of hours.. The blue outline of the headland was in sight.. I needed to do something..

"You can't take me there.. The Navy are after you, they won't let you win."
"The navy take care of us. The navy protect us. They give us our money, you go home."
"Can't you see? You aren't going to get the money! The navy would rather sink this boat than let you get me to Somalia!" Tears drenched my eyes, "you've got to give up."
Musé looked back at me, "I've come to far, American. I can't give up."
I looked at him in fear..
"American right! Navy playing tricks! We all going to die!" Amud yelled,
"We haven't hurt the hostage!"
"Look at him! He bleeding! I not staying here!"
"You are a coward Amud!"
"I have plans! I will kill American later!" Amud yelled,
"You make excuses! You no get money!" Musé yelled, pointing a gun at Amud's head.
"Stop! You're going to kill eachother!" The younger man yelled, trying to come between them.
"Shut up skinny!" Amud yelled.
I watched with wide eyes as, through the window I saw a large ship come closer and closer to us..
"Guys.." I began, but they were too busy arguing, they were oblivious of the huge ship that could easily crush this boat.
"Musé look! It's the NewStar!" Amud yelled, pointing at the huge ship next to us.
Musé started to laugh, "oh you in for a treat American.. You in for a treat.."
"What.. Have you seen that ship before?" I asked, in fear,
"We took ship two years ago, put bombs inside of it, then sold it for eight million dollar."
"Jesus no.. No.."
"Ask Navy what boat they are on." Musé ordered.
"This is murder.. You won't get your money this is-
But the guns where pointed at me.. And a radio was placed in my hand.


"Stamps.. Stamps you gotta help me.. Please."
"David I want you to tell me what is going on..."
"Stamps... What is the name of the ship you are on?" He sounded afraid, his voice was low and shaky.
I was about to tell him the name of the ship.. But then someone pointed at the pane of glass which said crescendo on it.

"Dave.. I can't tell you that."
"Stamps you have to.."
"You haven't said the word.."
I heard yelling in the background.. It was obvious that there was a gun next to David's head.
Weeping.. Weeping and yelling in pain..
It was as if the whole world was silent.. Waiting.. Waiting for that one word:


Everyone listened intently, fear surrounded us.. The Pirates knew the code word.. We were tense.. Everything he said now was important.

"What is the name of your boat!!?" He yelled,

I looked at the rest of the people.
They nodded.

"NewStar." I said.

"Stamps get everybody off that ship they've got a bomb the-"

The radio cut off.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now