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It was after midnight I assumed; Joe hadn't managed to sleep and so he was using one oar to steer us.
"Joseph how do we even know that we're going the right way. We have no map- not even a compass." I said, feeling hopeless.
"Well that star," Joe began, pointing up at the sky. "I sincerely hope that it's the North Star because of it isn't we could be sailing around for years- but if that's the North Star- then we are going North East- I'm assuming that we are right below Greenland, so I've pointed the sail that way- hopefully it'll help in some way. I'm not an expert with sails and yachts."
"Okay.. And what about the engine? Will we just save it till... Y'know.."
"Yeah.." Joe said, knowing what I meant.
"I wonder what ever happened to Harry Ardtole." I said, thinking about our old old boss.
"Oh.. Haha.. Poor old Harry.. You must wear a shirt boys!" Joe impersonated,
"What! Of course I knew the earth had two hemispheres! It's a sphere!" I joined in.
"Sad about his wife.. He's a dedicated old man." I acknowledged.
"Sure is; travelled the world looking for her." He said, "Ardtole.. Northern Ireland.. Must go and look for that place one day."
"Yeah... If we.. Can.." I laughed awkwardly, but the waves drenched on, splashing over our makeshift raft, the wave crests were up to five metres high, making it hard for our little boat to stretch over them.
"Oh god I didn't think it would come to this.." I sighed, beginning to break down. A literal wave of nausea hit me. "Joe what if we don't make it.. W-what if we never go home.. What will the people think.. God Joe we'll be dead.."
"But what if we do, David. You've gotta think of it.. What if we do make it?" Joe added,
"Joe.. We're never gonna get across the Atlantic in this... How will we survive five or six months in this stupid raft." My voice tightened, I was almost crying. "What if you were right. What you said a couple weeks ago.. About that time in New York being the last time I ever stood on land.. W-what if I did finish on a bang.. We did what we needed to do, we completely leaped out of our comfort zone jumping off those skyscrapers. We embarrassed ourselves and didn't care. We proposed to the people we loved, we made people happy.. Isn't that what life's about?"
Joe nodded in understanding, it had hit him too.
"We've done all we need to do, maybe it's time.." I admitted. Constantly pushing the boat onwards with the paddle, my arms were beginning to tire and I was exhausted. I had been up for over sixty hours, three days without sleep and I was suffering.

"M..mate.. Can I sleep for an hour or so.. Wake me up when you're tired." I told him, and the second I closed my eyes I fell asleep.

I rowed for about an hour, but when my arms were too tired I stretched out the sail fully, fixing it in a North East direction. Thankful for the stars.
I was exhausted too. And, though the weather was extremely windy and rainy, and every inch of me was cold and wet, I managed to lie down right beside David, the warmth of him heated me up, I insulated that little bit of heat with a blanket and wrapped it around myself and David.

We seemed to wake up at the same time. The sun was high, the waves had shrunk a little. But it was still raining. David pulled out his phone from the plastic bag,
"It's four o'clock in the morning.. I think we've been asleep for over 24 hours." He said, "wait, I've got signal here.. Let me check Twitter."
After a few minutes I saw David's mouth drop,
"Oh my god.. Oh my god stamps.. They think we're dead..." David mumbled in shock.
He quoted from a news article:
YouTube and media stars Joseph Garret (30) and David Spencer (29) have been assumed dead after their boat "The Stamping Squid" was found mostly submerged in the water by a camera crew on a helicopter. There was significant damage to the boat and it was unlikely that the two stars survived.
We looked on at people's tweets.
I am truly devastated to her what has happened to some of the kindest funniest people that I have ever met. RIP Stampy and Squid xxx

I cannot believe that this has happened to our childhood heroes, absolutely heartbroken and they will never be forgotten.

Then there was a tweet from Beth:
I have no words.

"David you have to say something!" I encouraged, feeling sick, all these people thought that we had died.
"Okay, gimme a sec, Twitter is working really slow."
I nodded as the waves washed by,
"Okay.. Done." He said, it was a simple message.
Still here don't worry :)
"That's gonna make the Internet go mad." I said, smiling, Davids feed was blowing up. Beth began to ring him.
"Hello?" I answered as David handed the phone to me.
"Joe?! Oh my god!" Beth cried, the signal was muffled and it was hard to hear her, but that was all I needed, I just wanted to savour her voice.
"I'm okay, just tell everyone we're okay. We aren't on that boat anymore but we are alive."
But we had already lost signal, making me have to hang up with her.
"Was worth a try..." David sighed,
"Well at least they know.." I said. It was hard to know where to go in the day, as you couldn't see the stars. But the sail shouldn't have changed direction, meaning that we were probably going the right way.
"What should we name this raft?" David asked,
"The... Stamped Squid." I improvised, David laughed,
"Yeah, that'll do." He chuckled as we sailed on through the roaring tide, no idea how far away we were from land.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now