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The tears that drained my friends face fell down onto my back. It was impossible to see him like this, to see him in such a state.
"Come on, let's get you to bed." I told him, patting his back and breaking apart the hug.
"No, I'll drive, I'm fine." He muttered.
"No you aren't, your in bits mate."
"It was a long time ago. What happened to you happened yesterday, not ten bloody years ago."
I looked down.
"How's Sqaishey?"
"Don't know, don't care." I moaned, remembering how she used me and Squid.
"Even if you don't get back together you can at least be on good terms-"
"We never were together! We had this conversation before! I don't love her!"
Squid sniffed and wiped away his tears, "how do you think she felt when you hung up on her?" He asked me. I recalled when she was offering money to Squid for him to stop recording with me.
"I don't even want to see her again. She offered you money to just break up with me!"
"Listen, I just have a bad feeling that someone has asked her to do that or-"
"You said it yourself, she just wants money and fame."

David ignored me and went down the steps to the lower deck where he sat down and draped his feet into the water holding on to a small bar.
The engine was a satisfying thing to watch- the strong current moving in a V shape. The
sea looked exactly the same colour as the sky, it was as if we were floating in thin air.

We continued to sail across the Mediterranean. The warm soft breeze drew sweat and damaged our tanned skin: we didn't speak much. I was recovering from bereavement and David was trying to figure out ways of getting us through the canal.
"So.. We could give them the remaining money we have- about five hounded pound-"
"We can't just do that- they might not understand-"
"What other choice do we have? I'll go and speak to the manager in Egypt." Squid said, with little confidence.
"Can you speak their language?" I asked him.
"Not much, I just hope they speak some English." He said, tapping an unknown beat with his fingers on the dash board like a professional pianist.
"Can you play?" I asked him,
"Play what?" He asked,
"Piano?" At the word he smiled.
"Oh I'm pretty awful at it." He said, "besides I haven't played in years."
"I'm sure you're pretty good- you're just being modest." I laughed a bit. Until silence took over.
"Seriously mate you should talk to Sqaishe-"
I got up and left.

My stomach dropped when he left me.
It wasn't my duty to ring Beth, but I almost felt like I should.

After about a week of only small talk I saw land in the distance,
"Stamps I can see Egypt."  I told him, keeping a grip to the steering wheel. "I'm gonna move inside and drive now."
"Good idea." He said, taking out a gun from the drawer. I gasped,
He checked the ammunition of the gun, then his face stood still.

"This gun has only seven bullets."
"..we were given eight."

My mouth shrivelled... I knew exactly why..
"P-probably someone miscounted."
"Yes." He glared at me, "probably."
Fear exploded inside of my stomach, my face was probably going either bright red or ghost white.
"There's the entrance to the canal there." I said, almost shaking.
"Tie up beside that house." Joe ordered.
I slowed down to 10 knots and then stopped the engine as Stampy jumped off the boat and tied the rope from the boat around a stub.
I didn't grab a gun. I just took the radios and put one in my ear, I gave one to Stampy.
"Why?" He asked,
"Well it worked last time didn't it?" I tried to smile, but I could tell he didn't trust me at the moment.
"Marhabaan." A lady said, I understood her,
"Marhabaan, man hu almaswuwl ean alqanat? Who is in charge of the canal?"
She pointed at some kind of board, I couldn't read the symbol language but I could figure it out,
"Shukraan." I thanked the lady then continued to look at the board.
"Didn't know you spoke Arabic?" Joe said, sounding impressed,
"Well.. I do." I said. Taking out my phone to try and translate the text, but my hands were shaking.
"Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm in a foreign country with no money and I'm going to have to bribe someone in a language I barely know!" I yelled.
"What makes you think you're gonna have to bribe the manager!?"
"Well you aren't are you?!"
"I never said-"
"Stamps please just-" I continued to look at the board, I was able to translate an address.

"It's a woman's.. Are you sure I should do this?" I said, nervous.
"We have to do this! We can't turn back now!"
"I'll give her the one thousand that we have and tell her that I'll transfer some money when I get back."
"Yes, now go."
"Aren't you coming?" I asked him,
"No- I'll see if I can get water." He told me. I tried my best not to roll my eyes,
"How do you say thank you and water?" He called at me. I pretended that I didn't hear him and walked towards the address.

Once I got to the house I knocked on the door, a lady answered,
"Marhabaan." I said,
"Marhabaan," she replied, "you English?"
I nodded, "yes."
"Come in."
I walked into the house where suddenly I felt something inside of me that cheered me up.
"What brings you to the desert?" She asked me,
"I was passing through, I was going to use the canal-"
"My canal." She said, smiling. "Where are you going?"
"Australia.. But I don't have enough money.. I will probably have to turn around and go around Africa."
"Yes." She said, I looked down, "what do you mean by not enough money."
"I- I have one thousand dollars- I could pay the remaining four thousand when I return home."
"I don't work like that." She snapped.
I leaned back, I needed a new strategy. I looked around the room.
"I know that you know who I am." I said. She looked confused.
"Come on its impossible for a man not to notice his own merchandise." I said, looking at the squid t-shirt hanging up, and the minecraft squid paper model on a shelf.
"W-what I don't know what you mean?"
"Hello everybody! It's squid- I'm iballisticsquid and you my lady are subscribed." I put my hands on her shoulders she looked in my eyes,
"Are you calling me a fan?" She asked,
"Yes, I think I am."

I looked around the deserted town that was strangely busy, I hadn't been listening to the radio, I didn't want to listen in to him or become distracted.
I noticed a young couple talking, I then listened in, realising that their accent was English I quickly walked over to them.
"Hey- hey, I'm completely lost here and-"
"Oh my god! An English person!" The man had dark skin and was tall, he pulled a great white smile.
"Hi." I said, shaking their hand.
"Hey how you doing? You alright mate, you look puzzled."
"Have you been through the canal."'
"Nope, tried talking to some lady but she's completely crazy." I looked up to the house where squid was in,
"That lady?"
"She is psychotic! Turns out she's murdered like ten people, I had a lucky escape: had to crash out the back window, broke both my ankles landing-"
"Oh my god.." I looked up there.
"Wait, you don't know someone who's up there?"
My mouth dropped. What have I done! I told him to go up there! This is all my fault!
I span round covering my mouth with my wrist.
"Oh my god man! Go and get him! Go and get him before he dies!"

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now