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"Stamps.. Climb the vents." I said, once I had finished singing my heart out to a song from 1965.
"Dave, it's not James Bond, people can't actually climb through vents." Joe replied,
"It's worth a try, I don't want to smash the window." I said, piling up the chairs and making a make-shift staircase where I simply lifted away a tile from the roof and placed it above the ceiling. I shone my torch around a large dark room.
"I think I'm in the attic stamps. Come on up, follow me." I told him, climbing up into the loft. It was dark, there was basically nothing in this attic, it was more of an open space, unused and hard to access.
"Have you any idea how we are going to get out?" Stampy asked, climbing up beside me.
"I just hope that there is some door that we can get down." I responded, tip toeing on the wood separating the tiles,
"There's a ladder over there." Stampy pointed out, shining his torch to a ladder in the corner.
"Good spot." I complimented, catching sight of the ladder that lead up a tiny hole in the roof.
"You sure you want to go up even higher?" I asked him, "I'm scared of heights."
"Well it looks like the only way out of here." He observed.
"Well then.. " I said, gulping, "if I remember correctly this building is a skyscraper."
"You would be correct." Joe said,
"And if we are in the attic.. That would mean that... That ladder leads to.. "
"The roof. Of a sky scraper.." Stampy completed.
"Shhiiiiittt..." I began, climbing up the ladder until there was a small platform and a door which was unlocked.
I opened up the door slowly where I saw the most insane view of my life.
"Oh Jesus Mary and the holy donkey.." I began,
"Still drunk then?" Joe laughed before he saw it too.
"Mother of all beavers..."
We saw the whole of New York. The lights, the whole world screaming with energy. The spectrum of lights reflecting on the water. It was pretty incredible.
"Well that is slightly breath taking." Stampy admired,
"So how are we going to get down?" I asked him, still slightly dazzled.
"Any good at parkour?" He asked,
"Stampy. No."
"Any fire exit?"
"We just came from the only fire exit."
"Then parkour it is!" Stampy said before taking off his blazer and jumping off the side of the building.
I screamed in shock, covering my mouth I dared to look over the side of the building, down on the ground was an ambulance and hundreds of cars beeping and driving past.
"Oh god..." I breathed.. He's dead.. He's gone..
"Heeeelllo?? Ccoooee!!!" I heard Joe's voice and looked up to see him standing on top of another building.
"Shit! Joe! You scared me to death!" I shouted at him.
"Shhh!! People are trying to sleep!" Joe replied,
"Well you're not helping that by jumping on their rooftops! We're gonna get arrested!"
"Jump on with me, if we're gonna get arrested we should get arrested together."
I rolled my eyes and threw my waist coat over to him.
"No need to strip my darling." He laughed, raising an eyebrow.
I felt nauseated but all the same in my head I just told myself just do it and I jumped all the way to the building with Joe.
"Good jump!" He congratulated as I heaved myself back up onto my feet. The fear rushed down me.
"Hey, you're supposed to do something every day that scares you."
"You're only saying that because you're mad." I responded, still in shock.
"I thought you were the mad one." He replied,
"Is that a compliment?" I asked rhetorically, looking around at the night.
"Do you think if we jump we could make the water?" Joe asked,
"Bloody hell youre mental, we are like 150 metres up in the air! Landing in water from this height would be like landing on tarmac, we'd be dead, basically, or completely broken."
"Okay no need for the detail." Joe said before jumping off the side of the building again.
"Joseph what the fu*k!" I yelled. He took my breath away again. He landed quite far below, about ten metres, and he didn't land on his feet, he groaned with pain.
"You alright mate?!" I called,
"Y-yeah just bend your knees." He replied, I did as he said and landed beside him. I helped him up and put an arm around his back.
"Ok just look." I told him. Spinning us around, staring at the world.
"Just friends." He whispered,
"Why do you keep saying that?" I asked him,
"Because it's funny. Not many people who are 'just friends' do these things or see these things." He replied.
"You know what, you're right." I told him, "you really are. And guess what? This sky scraper has a staircase going down it!"
"Oh jackpot!" He laughed, limping over to it and opening the fire exit door before I followed him down the hundreds of steps to the ground.
When we got back down on the streets there was a sign post saying directions to the pier. I pulled out my glasses to read it more carefully. So I take the next left then just keep going until the second right turn.. Okay..
"Has anyone told you that you look really good looking when you wear glasses?" Joe asked, I burst out laughing,
"Usually not thirty-year-old men.. But.. Thanks? I guess." I replied, taking a photo of the sign post with my phone. I wasn't completely sober myself, but Joe was completely out of it.
Joe leaned on me as he limped beside me back towards the boat,
"Hey, 'scuse me gentlemen." A police officer said, inspecting Joe.
"Is he sober?" He asked me,
"Eh, not really. I'm bringing him home now."
"You know where to go? Need any help?" He offered,
"nope, I'm fine thank you." I responded, "thanks for the offer."
"Well I hope you two have a nice holiday." He replied,
"Thanks!" I responded, leaving him. The police force was nice here.

When we eventually got back to the boat I unlocked the door to the cabin and we both plonked in beside each other in bed.
"You look like a broken windmill." Joe told me,
"Well you look like a milky lemon." I defended,
"Well you look like sodium chloride mixed with fart."
"Well you look like bacteria that died of a heart attack."
"Well you look like sodium chloride mixed with bacteria that died of a heart attack mixed with a milky lemon mixed with fart!" Joe fought.
"Well you look like me." I said, and that ended it.

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