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After being awake for 48 hours I only slept for about 7 hours, waking up at 4am by the sound of a helicopter landing on the helipad of the ship.
I walked out of bed and got changed quickly before knocking on the door of Beth's cabin.
I slowly opened the door, she lay in bed, the sun blooming in on her beautiful face: a tranquil sight. A book was attached to her hands, she smiled at me, took off her glasses and put down the book.
"Aren't you supposed to be leaving soon?" I asked her,
"Yeh, in about forty minutes- my stuff is packed up already."
I looked to her small suitcase in the corner of the room.
I sat down on the bed beside her, she pulled the duvet up around her chest then leaned her head on my chest.
"Are you wearing any clothes?" I asked her,
"Yeh..?" She said nervously,
"No you aren't!" I laughed,
"Well I wasn't expecting visitors!" She giggled,
"Yeh you were!" I chuckled, putting an arm around her neck.
She rolled on top of me and gazed into my eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you." She said,
"You too." I whispered, putting my hands down her back.
She carefully removed my sweater and threw it on the floor before I grabbed her waist, she pressed her chest against mine and sat on my hips while I kissed her soft young lips. She rolled down my shorts and pushed me down onto the bed, I closed my eyes as she kissed my neck and my chest. Tiredness surrounded me. Beth lay beside me on top of the sheets.
"Beth I think you better put something on." I told her, she stood up as I watched her put on a long baggy jumper and jeans.
I put a necklace around her neck and watched her make up her face and brush her hair.
"You look beautiful." I told her,
"You look tired." She laughed,
I nodded.
"Thanks for forgiving me. I promise you'll have a YouTube channel again soon."
"Have a safe flight, love." I said, before kissing her one last time.
Her eyes remained closed long after we had finished, "take care of David." She said, I brushed a stray hair behind her ear and held her hands.
I walked her up to the bridge where the helicopter crew met us.
"So it's both of you yes?" A man said,
"N-no it's just Beth-" I replied,
"I was told their were two-"
I looked back at Beth, "Beth can I have a word?" I asked in uneasiness.
We walked back into the corridor where we were alone.
"Beth did you tell them I was coming too?" I asked in disgust, she stared at me silently.
"Was all this just.. Just you trying to get me and David to come home? Don't you care about me at all?!"
"I thought we were something.." I sighed,
"I told you it was a puzzle, I told you it was complicated."
"I thought all of this shit was over." I groaned,
"We kissed, that doesn't mean that.."
"That doesn't mean what?! What?! Don't you love me at all?! Was this all just a trick to try and convince me to come home with you?!"
"Of course I love you Stampy.."
"I'd rather you addressed me by my real name."
"Joe.. Joseph." She sighed, "of course I love you Joseph."
She leaned in and kissed me on the lips, my eyes were wide open with annoyance and I kept my mouth closed.
"Stop it." I mumbled as she kissed me, "stop it!"I shouted, pushing her shoulders away.
I shook my head with ignorance, "have a safe flight."
"Joe." She said, "I don't regret anything that happened this morning."
I nodded in understanding before we hugged, slightly awkwardly. I just wanted to be back on our own boat with no worries at all.
"Text me when you get home." I said, "well- text David." Remembering that my phone was destroyed.
She nodded before breaking up the hug and climbing up into the helicopter.

I woke up suddenly, I had awful dreams, of the Pirates coming back, of the ship blowing up .. I woke up, my breathing fast. But I saw Joe sitting down beside me on the end of my bed.
"Hey, hey mate are you alright?" He asked me,
"Yeh, yeh I'm ..  I'm.." I closed my eyes with fatigue,
"Take it easy Dave. You're fine." Joe said, sitting closer beside me.
I laid my heavy head on his knees and closed my eyes as he softly touched my hair.
"Th- thanks.." I muttered, unable to speak properly. All the worst case scenarios were still spinning in my mind, making me panic.
''You're okay.. You're okay" Joe sighed, making my breathing slow.
"I'm not.. I'm not.. They're gonna find me again.. Amud's still alive he's gonna kill me I know he is." I shivered, tears still melting from my eyes.
"Amud is in a prison in Somalia. Don't worry, you are going to be fine. You're safe. You're okay."
I looked up at Joe, "ever since you went on this boat you've acted so professional. When I know you aren't." I said, making him smile,
"How do you know I'm not so professional?" He asked,
I laughed a bit, then swiped my index finger over his lips, he looked confused until I showed him that my finger was now pink, lipstick, he laughed,
"So Sqaishey is here?" I guessed,
"No she just left." He said,
"And.. What about Nicole?" I asked hopelessly.
"She's here too, do you want me to get her?"
I shook my head, unsure if now was the time to ask for an explanation.
"So.. When do we go back on the boat?"
"You- you wanna continue?"
I nodded,
"Well, I think we better wait until the Stamping Squid is cleaned up and the cameras have been securely checked, and when you're better."
"I am better."
"You know yourself you aren't." He told me. I looked down. I had a caste on my left arm, I had back pain and my legs felt too weak to move.
"Was it you?" I asked, "was it you who killed Musé?"
"I- I addressed the execution, yes." He said, I sighed,
"Do you feel you've avenged Eva now?" I asked him.
He bit his lip, "I've got you, and you're alright, that's all the vengeance I need."
I smiled, glad that he had gotten over Eva.
"You gonna be alright, mate? Your still in shock." Joe asked me, I nodded,
"Yeh, I'll be okay." I sighed. Resting my head on the pillow. Closing my eyes with experience..
Joe put his arm around my neck, "your an impossible man." I said to him,
"Why do you say that?" He asked,
"You managed to get on board of this ship, get in charge and save me."
"Meh, I'm just your friend." He laughed,
"Yeh. Just my friend."
"Just friends, that get into quite a bit of trouble." We both laughed.
"Ha- the police that think we killed Courtney are probably watching the news right now and are like wha??" Joe laughed,
"I'm on the news?!"
"Course you are! Donald bloody Trump knows about you!"
"-oh god then we really are in trouble!" I chucked as he scratched my head laughing. I missed this: just us two, laughing during times we probably shouldn't laugh, acting like idiots in dangerous situations, just us two kids, messing up life just a little in order to make the most of it.

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