I do

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"Do you seriously think he's going to propose to her?" Nicole asked as we sat beside each other on the bench.
"I hope he does," I admitted, "I'm worried about him."
"How so.. I mean apart from the obvious.. Fire."
"He's been through a lot in the last year and a half. Eva. That girl he fell in love with in Morocco.. "
"W-what about her..? Does he still care?"
"Course he does. He loved her, I could tell, I don't know if it would have lasted or if she was any better than Beth but I know that he loved her. And you don't just get over a loved one getting shot in the chest by your best friend's brother."
"So it was Tom who shot him?" Nicole asked,
"Yes of course it was, now can we please just... Speak a bit quieter?" I asked, looking at all the pedestrians.
"Yeah.. Yeah sure." She replied, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Hey.." I soothed, remembering about what happened to her hotel and all her things. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, kissing her on the cheek. "Wanna go shopping?"
She smiled, "what for?"
"Well.. Some clothes for you.. And.." I put my hands on her ring finger, "a big white dress?"
"I wouldn't fit into the dress, I've got my little man in my tummy." She giggled.
"Well if we can't buy a big white dress then.. Why not get some clothes for this little man? And also.. A boarding pass for your flight home.. Business class of course."
"Oh you can't.." Nicole argued,
"Eh, yes I can." I fought. Kissing her quickly on the lips and helping her up.
"I've lost so much David.. So much.." Nicole whimpered, her eyes turning red. I kissed her cheeks and looked at her in the eyes.
"You've got me. And I promise that you'll never lose me." 
"Oh my god why are you such a poet." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. I held onto her cheeks, feeling somewhat lost, I pulled away, frowning.
"Dave..." She began, giving a worried face. "Are you alright..? You've been worrying about everyone else but yourself.. Are you okay?"
"I'm always okay." I told her, trying to fake a smile. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed."
I linked my arm with hers as we walked down the footpath.
We went into various different shops and markets, coming back with bags of clothes and products that Nicole had lost in the fire. We had basically filled a whole wardrobe for the new baby and it was 9pm already. I had booked Nicole into a five star hotel and promised that I'd stay with her for the night, we were going to leave tomorrow.
As far as I knew, Stampy and Sqaishey had been to a romantic dinner and Stampy had went down on one knee and proposed to her.
I lay in bed beside Nicole, she was on her phone on YouTube,
"Hey I found a TV interview that you and Joe did a couple days ago before the conference."
"Oh... Oh no.."

After watching back the YouTube videos of Joe and I acting confused and amazingly insignificant we spent most of the night laughing. "Oh my god you two were pissed out of your minds."
"We had been in a fight and... We needed some way to distract ourselves."
"You two..." Nicole sighed, laughing, I leant over and kissed her on her rouge lips.
"I'm going to miss you." She whispered to me, "I suppose you won't be back before this little man is born?"
"I'll try to be, I really want to be.. But make sure you don't go into labour on your own, whatever happens."
"Who will I bring?"
"I don't know.. your parents? A friend? I'll try to be there.. But if I'm not please, even if it means getting a new boyfriend, don't give birth alone." I told her,
"I'll never be alone, me and Ollie will do everything together. And your mum." She said, I was heart-warmed by her including my mother.
"So you've decided on Ollie? I like it."
"You do?"
"I really do." I promised.


I woke up.
The boat rocked during the night.
I hardly slept.
I was alone.
I heard David jump on board with two giant bags of food shopping. He had fuelled up again.
"Hey Stamps." He said, looking friendly,
"Hi mate." I replied, trying to look equally as happy as he was.
"You ready to go?" He asked me. I stood up, buttoning up a shirt and looking out the window at New York.
"Yeah.. I guess so." I said indifferently. "Home Time."
"You okay mate?" He asked me,
"I'm always okay.." I responded, looking down, he knew what I meant.
He walked down into the bedroom where he saw the engagement ring box in the same place that he left it.
"So you didn't propose to her.." He sighed, I felt bad as it was he who bought me the ring.
"N..no." I said,
"And you don't want to change your mind?" David asked me, disappointed.
I shook my head, walking up on deck to the driver's seat.
David jumped off board and whispered something in Nicole's ear before their lips locked and their eyelids closed with pure love. Something I yearned for. Pure love.
David then jumped back on board the Stamping Squid and I turned on the engine and drove off as we pulled up the ropes.
"That could have been the last time that I ever step on land." David said,
"Oh don't say that." I tried to laugh, "at least you went out with a bang."
"You could have too.. Why didn't you propose? Beth loved you? She still loves you? What was holding you back? We left New York in a really awkward mood. Beth should have been there, did you guys fall out? Did Beth say something? Because the last I knew she absolutely loved you, and she would have undoubtably said yes if you proposed." David argued.
I shook my head,
"You see.. You're wrong David." I said,
"I did propose."
"-And she said no."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now