Last Leap

149 11 14

"I've gotta go." I told Beth, walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed. Beth covered herself with a sheer sheet, you could still see right through it, she crawled over to me and put her hands on my chest.
"Is he alone?" She asked, kissing my neck.
"He said that he wasn't.. But.. I know he's lying. He's in pieces." I said.
"Can I see you again, in the next couple days?" She asked me, looking into my eyes.
I nodded, closing my eyes, pressing my mouth against her bottom lip and touching her tongue before I put my shirt back on and left.
I assumed that David would be on the boat, and that he had taken the motor bike, so I ordered a taxi to take me to the port.
By the time I got there it was past midnight. And there he was, lying on the roof of the boat. I climbed back up onto the boat and onto the roof.
"Hey." I said. Lying down beside him. He turned around in surprise.
"Not gonna lie you scared the shit out of me." David laughed, but tears still melted on his face. "How'd you know I was here?"
"I know when you're lying mate." I told him. Putting an arm around his neck and staring up at the sky with him.
"Where's Lily?" I asked him.
"In bed in her hotel."
"You should have stayed with her." I said.
"There's a lot of things I should have done but I can't!" David shouted, "sorry.." He sighed, "she wanted me to stay.. But.. I lay in bed beside her for about twenty minutes before I knew I just couldn't.."
"Why couldn't you?" I asked,
"Because she's engaged! I had a glass of wine and I kissed her, that was the height of it."
"But if you love her-"
"Stamps, I have more to worry about than my love life. Lily Greenwood is gone. That period of my life is over. It's done. "
I nodded, "do you wanna come inside now?" He bit his lip, starting to stand up before he looked down.
"C-can I just have a moment... To myself?" He asked, the tears still streaming from his broken face.
"Course." I replied, crawling off the roof and back down into the cabins.
I sat by the table in silence until I heard David screaming and yelling, stamping his feet on the roof. I could have told him to stop, went out and comforted him, but I just couldn't.
When he eventually walked back into the bedroom he looked terrible. He sat on the bed looking at the door. I put a hand on his shoulder,
"You can't blame yourself for what happened." I said, facing him.
Another tear fell from David's face, he looked as though this was the last time we'd see each other.
"Stamps, know that you are an amazing person and the best friend anyone could have. Thank you."
"Da-" he kissed me on the lips, resting my down onto the bed, I suddenly felt so tired, I tasted chemicals in his mouth.
"Now that," I began, "was really very well done."
My eyes started to close and I fell asleep.

I had texted Nicole, my mum and friends, I had tweeted out and told Lily and Joe in person.. thank you.
I drugged Joe when I kissed him, I crushed up a sleeping pill and rubbed it over my tongue and lips.
After rinsing my mouth out of the drug I went back on deck. Looking around, there was no one near. I then gathered up some rope. Feeling sick. I was going to hang myself..
I tied the rope around the mast of the boat, then making a loop for the noose.
So many people had died because of me..
Because of me: Tom took a bullet from my gun and shot Eva. Tom and two Somalians captured us but Tom let the Somalians get shot. Because of me Joe got shot, because of me my daughter took a fatal flight to Auckland.
I stood up on a chair with my head in the noose, if I jumped off my neck would break and I would die.

Joe wake up! He's drugged me! Wake up wake up wake up! David could kill himself! But I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, I just felt trapped.
Wake up! Wake up wake up!
I opened my eyes, squinting, I felt around the dark room for the wall.
Stumbling, I felt the door handle and walked out into the small corridor. I turned left, it was still pitch black, I felt around the walls of the kitchen until I reached the ladders to go up on deck.

As I placed the rope around my neck I was surprised to see Joe crawling up the ladder on deck. How had he woken up? I drugged him?!
But when he faced me I noticed that his eyes were closed.. Sleep walking?
"Dave I know you're there." He whispered.
If I took one step I would die, the rope would tighten around my neck and snap.
I remained silent. Just staring at him.
"Why can't I see, what did you drug me with? Am I blind?!"
"Joe." I said. He turned and looked at me, he was fully conscious but his eyes were closed, so he couldn't see what I was doing.
"What have you done?" He asked, walking around with his eyes closed.
I held my breath as he walked closer to me, feeling around he kicked the chair that was keeping me from falling and dying. I shrieked in fear, giving my location away,
"Now that, my friend, is the sound of someone who doesn't want to die." Joe said.
"Open your eyes." I whispered to him.
Slowly.. slowly his eyes flickered open. He stood as his eyes adjusted, and then he just stared up at me.
"I've gotta do this." I said. Gulping.
"Dave.." he sighed, "Squid. Iballisticsquid."
That name made me think. Think about all the people who would be upset after I-
"Kill yourself. Go on, do it!" Joe yelled, "go break the law and kill yourself! Go upset millions of people around the world! Millions of children by just hanging yourself!"
I was surprised by his anger, and it made me think.
"Yeh you go ahead and kill yourself! Go ahead and ruin my life! Go ahead and ruin Nicole's and Lily's and your mother's!"
"My daughter is dead! And so are three other people because of me!"
"And killing yourself is gonna bring them back is it?! I was gonna kill you in the Suez Canal when i thought you killed Eva! I thought I killed you! If I had shot you then 3 people would still be alive. But you never would have met your daughter! You would have never known who was behind all this! Nicole would have died! So would your mum! Tom would have gotten your money and spent it on god knows what! Okay and what happens if you die now? Hmm.. heart broken mother and girlfriend, Lily, newly engaged will have to arrange two funerals, be severely depressed as she's just lost all her family, and probably cut the wedding. Your mother. What will she do? With all her family either dead or in prison nobody will want to speak to her-  and me? I'll be done for suspected murder because you're on my boat? -but you obviously don't care about that so kill yourself, be my guest. You selfish bastard."
My stomach churned with anxiety. Mum.. nobody can hurt my mum. I need to stay with mum.
I removed my head from the noose. I stepped down from the chair and stood behind Joe.
"Let's hope you're a heavy sleeper." Joe said before pressing his lips on mine and pushing his tongue into my mouth, trying to pass on the sleeping drug.
I felt almost chocked, Joe lay me down on the ground, I didn't even try to stop him.
"If those drugs don't work then this is going to be insanely awkward." He laughed. My eyes started to close and I left them. I wouldn't mind if I never woke up again.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now