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"So here we are, the big day!"
After spending at least a month or two in the Indian Ocean, we were so close to Adelaide.

David stood in the bathroom shaving his beard while I buttoned up my shirt. I then walked into the bathroom beside him, taking out my razer and shaving too- it was weird having to look 'presentable' .
"How are they gonna recognise us we're so tanned!" David said, combing his hair, "and this mop on the top of my head.."
I pulled out the scissors and threatened him jokingly with them, his eyes widened and he shook his head. I would not be trusted with hair and scissors.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my face had deepened in shade to warm beige, my hair had puffed up in the heat.
I splashed some sunscreen on my face and neck before swinging back up on deck.
"I can see land!" I yelled,
"Is it Auzzie?!" David asked,
"I bloody well hope so!" I said, picking up my binoculars and staring into the great blue sea where in the distance I saw Australia, which was then blocked by a great big pair of eyes, I put the binoculars down to see David in front of me.
"So we've made it." He sighed, "another continent, my friend."
I put my sunglasses on as we travelled North towards Adelaide.
"That's not Adelaide there is it?"
"Nah, that's Kangaroo Island, Adelaide is a bit behind it I believe."

We sailed down the Investigator straight for a couple of hours before we reached the gulf of Saint Vincent.

I picked up the phone and called Courtney.

"Hello, Courtney Holt speaking."
"Mrs Holt we are about an hour away from Adelaide, we are aiming to dock at Port Norlunga." I said,
"I'll be there waiting, well done boys."
David and I just looked at each other, our stomachs turning with excitement and accomplishment

"So we are almost at the half way point." David said, looking at the port in the distance.
"Yeh, eight months travelling, what's the date again?" I asked,
"December tw... Stamps we need to go shopping."
"December twelfth? Is it my birthday tomorrow!" I laughed, I completely forgot that birthdays were a thing.
"And then there's Christmas after that, and your birthday after that."
"We've only got like thirty quid left in the safe!" Squid said,
"What?! Thirty, didn't you get the money the Somalians took back?"
"Jesus no! I wasn't gonna put my hands in a bloody dead somalian's pocket! Besides, when I went home I brought back this!" He pulled out his credit card from his pocket.
"Awk David!"
"We can share the card."
"But then you're basically paying for your own presents."
"I'd prefer an item than a piece of paper with a number on it." He replied.
"Well.. I'll pay you back when I get home then."
"Oh my god!" David said, cutting me out, I turned around to see a beach completely crowded beside the dock we were aiming for.
"Bloody hell!" I laughed, taking off my sunglasses and waving at the crowd.
"Stamps do you wanna drive?" He asked,
"No! I don't want a hundred odd people to see me mess up!"
He laughed, taking the wheel and switching the boat off auto pilot.

As we neared the dock I longed to step on dry land, I hadn't walked on land since Egypt, now we were almost eight thousand miles away, in Adelaide.
"Right, I'm putting her into mooring, get the ropes ready."
"I'm on it!" I said, rolling and splitting the lines, getting ready to tie the Stamping Squid up.
When we reached the dock, David put the boat into mooring, I jumped off and knotted the rope around the pole. I did the same with the rope at the back of the boat before David locked the boat and I helped him down.
The crowds screamed and ran towards us.
Squid and I were at the end of the pier.. We just looked at each other before nodding and running straight off the edge of the pier into the water.

The water was lukewarm and clean. When our heads rose upon the surface Squid and I just laughed,
"Y'know it took a long time for me to get ready this morning!" Squid laughed, trying to fix his hair as we saw the crowd laughing at us from the pier.
We swam to the beach where we saw Courtney drive up in a white convertible Mercedes. David opened his mouth and poked his tongue out as Courtney walked out with her high heels and her blonde hair and sunglasses.
Was he interested in Courtney? W....what?
However all those weird assumptions disappeared when he went,
"Woah... What a car!"
When the crowds went up to us, handing towels, we took them and thanked them, getting a photo or two.
Courtney walked over to us in a short back dress, she had dyed her hair blonde and she wore bright red lipstick with black heels.
"Woah someone's had a makeover!" I said as she kissed our cheeks greeting us.
"Yeah, I've gone blonde! How are you boys!" She asked, sitting on a rock, we sat down beside her, we had practically dried off already.
"Not so bad." David said, "this lad's birthday tomorrow!" He said, pointing at me.
"Oh well then I think a glass of champagne at my place is in order tonight!"
"Your place? Do you have a house here?"
"I rented one in the suburbs for a couple months, I'm trying to pick up the accent." She said,
"Nice!" I said, raising an eyebrow to David.

As we continued to get pictures taken with children and adults I reminded myself of what life used to be like, at minecon or EuroGamer, the meet and greets, the fame, the excitement.. The fun.

After everyone had taken a picture with us, we followed Courtney into her car and we sat down in the back seats with the roof off. It was so hot.
Every other house we drove past had a swimming pool in their back garden, it was insane.
We parked in Courtney's driveway and walked into her large suburban house.
It was refreshingly cool from the air conditioning, a Christmas tree stood on the oak floors beside the French doors into the patio where the swimming pool was.
"Wow this place is stunning." I admired, looking around. David's mouth was still wide open in shock.
"Mate." I said, he looked at me, "close your gob you look like a fish."
He laughed, "it's just so pretty!"
Well.. He wasn't wrong. This was the first time either of us had been to Oceania, and we had already fallen in love.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now