Sail No More

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Days had past, I had woken up to the brisk arctic air. David and I had been taking shifts on driving, as there was no way that we could both sleep at the same time in this weather.
I just wanted to go home. To be back by the warm fire. It was June, it should be beautiful, sunny and warm, but instead we were caught in an anticyclone of endless bleakness.
At last I heard David yell:
"Stamps! Stamps! Help!"
I winked my eyes open and ran out of the cabin outside to only hear the waves crashing against the side of the boat. The deck was drenched.
"What's going on?!" I yelled, running up to him.
The sky was dark and it was lashing rain.
"The engine.. I've tried so many times!"
My mouth opened. I stared around the outside to try and find some form of civilisation.
All I saw was the ocean. Just water, as far as the eye could see.
"You- you mean to tell me that our engine has gone down, in the middle of a storm in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?!"
We both stared around. Drenched. I put my arm on my face, trying to hide my anxiety.
We had nowhere to go.
We had failed our mission.
"Oh god stamps, I think this is it.."
"No it's not.. It can't be.. We've gotten this far-"
I was cut off when the ship banged up against a huge iceberg, we had no way of turning or controlling this boat in any way.
More icebergs bashed against the boat, creating a large dent in the bow.
My eyes widened with fear.
"God Dave we should have checked the engine out before this!"
"Well we're too late now! What the hell are we going to do?!" He yelled, water streamed from his face. "There is no signal till we get to Ireland! We have no sails! No back up! Nothing!"
"We're going home." I promised him, "we haven't travelled all this way for this to happen!"
"How the hell are we getting home? We have nothing! Nothing but a couple cameras and a sinking boat! We've only got about a day until this StampingSquid will be completely underwater!" David yelled,
"Then we're going to have to built some kind of boat, or a raft, something that won't sink."
"Joseph that's never going to work." David said, sitting down, "it's over."
"Well it's only chance we've got! Come on! You're fiancé is pregnant! The least you can do is let your son have a father! Be the father you never could be to Sarah, come on be his hero." I encouraged, the rain mixing with my own tears.
He nodded, "right... Right okay.. Okay umm.. Take apart the inside control panel- try to get big plastic pieces. I'll get some stuff from the kitchen and start making something in the lounge." He said, running down. I nodded, shaking with fear and coldness.
David dismantled parts of the outside of the boat and used it for the bow of our new raft. He started drilling the parts I gave him to the boat.
I then remembered the ores that we used the attack the shark in New Zealand. I smiled, remembering the funny moments, even though the shark bit me badly. I ran up on deck and lifted up the chest and collected the ores. They were in good condition. I brought a rope as well and attempted to make a mast. Using a blanket, I made a few holes and attached it with rope to a long stick. Then an idea stuck in my head.
I ran down to where David was working on the skeleton of the raft.
"The motorbike... Could we use its engine?" I asked, David's mouth dropped and he brought the motorbike into the lounge.
We worked through the night, having to work up on the soaking wet deck as the lounge had flooded.
I put loads of our blankets and anything that we needed in a huge waterproof bag. I also filled up loads of water bottles, I packed more clothes for us and shoes. I searched through the cupboards and found the gun. The gun that initially had eight bullets, and now only had seven.
I took a moment of silence, looking at it. Before bowing my head with respect to Eva and putting it back in the drawer.
It wouldn't be needed anymore.
It made me really upset to leave this boat, we had so many memories onboard, and we had traveled the whole world. But it was sinking fast, and our raft was almost complete.

I took a glance at our coordinates on the map, we were currently heading towards Morocco again, and God knew I had no intentions of going back there.
I grabbed a compass from the cupboard, we needed to go North East, and keep going there until.. Well.. Until I guess we reached land.
"Stamps?! How's this?!" I heard David yell. I ran up to see him, he was exhausted, his hands were soaked with rain and blood, we had no time for breaks. We couldn't stop.
He had made a small dingy, we had managed to attach the motorbike engine, it only had a bit of fuel left and it wouldn't run for that much longer, but with the help of our mast and ores, we should be able to control it.
There wasn't much room, it was only about three metres long- long enough to lie down with extra room for storage up front. I hoped that it would be enough to get us back home to England, whatever happened.
"Stamps we need to leave!" David yelled, placing the dingy in the water. "We are going too far south and the bedroom is below water! We need to leave now!"
"I'm trying! Please one hour!" I said, trying to dismantle the control panel.
"One hour and we'll be way off course with nothing left of the boat! We need to leave now!"
"Jeez then we'll have no form of navigation!"
"Stamps please! We've got to get out! Come on!"
"Shit.. Okay.. Okay.. Calm.." I grabbed the camera so if the Boat Trip ever did have another season they'd have the footage. I stepped into the dingy, "I'm in.. I'm in.." I said. David made room and I sat down beside him.
"I'll row the first couple hours, you sleep." David ordered.
"You sure?" I asked,
"Course I'm bloody sure," he sighed, the muscles in his arms tensed as we rowed away from the boat that brought us thousands of miles around the world.
"So that was the StampingSquid." I sighed, looking back at the boat that was sinking completely underwater.
"There she goes."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now