A Flock Of Birds

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I held David in my arms as he cried,
"You said it was going to be okay! You told me I could get through this!" David cried.
"Do they know how the plane crashed?" He asked,
"A- a flock of birds flew into the engine." I said.
"A flock of birds." David repeated. "That's all it took to do all of this."
We looked around at the hospital, hundreds of people were being stretchered in, bleeding, unconscious people were being lifted in by the ambulances and surgeons surrounded everyone.
"You are going to be okay. Sarah would want you to get better." I told him.
"You don't know how I feel. You don't know how hard this is! I only knew her for three weeks! Three weeks!"
"I never met my child." I said, "I know I can't compare Courtney's miscarriage to this, but that child could have been someone."
David nodded as a tear streamed down his face.
"Three weeks ago I thought that it was Lily who died, and that Sarah was alive. It took me ten years to accept that. For those three weeks I had everything. Everything. Why didn't I make the most of them? Why did I lie in bed feeling sorry for myself? Why did I sit guarding you with my life? I should have been with Sarah."
I patted David's back, some things are just to good to be true..
"Lily needs you now. Go and stay with her." I said. Wiping his tear with my chin.

David walked back into the cubical where Sarah's body had been prepared.
I walked out of the hospital and sat on a bench outside.
I rubbed my hands down my face.
"Mr Garrett?" I heard someone say. I recognised the voice, I looked up to see an old man, he looked about sixty or seventy.
"Do I.. Do I know you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I definitely knew this voice.
"I didn't think I'd find you outside a hospital, that's for sure. What on earth are you doing here?" That's when the penny dropped.. The old English accent..
"Harry Ardtole." I said, standing up and shaking his hand.
"Bet you weren't expecting a stupid old man like me!" Harry said, sitting down on the bench beside me. "So what has happened?" He asked me, "why are you here? Is David unwell?"
"No, no he's..physically fine.. But.. It's just been a long day. " I sighed.
"Joseph, it's 10am. What happened?"
"Well.. Lack of sleep mixed with passion and death."
"Someone died?" Harry asked, his big old eyes widened.
"David.. David had a daughter. She was involved in the plane crash and died a couple hours ago." I said. Clearing my throat.
"God.." Harry said in shock, "God where is David now?"
"He's with his daughter's mother.. Mind if I ask why you are here?" I asked,
"Just.. Just visiting my wife, that's all." He said. Frowning.
"I'm sorry." I said, trying to smile, "I shouldn't keep you back."
"Oh, no, it's okay. Listen, send my regards to Mr Spencer. Forget about the marketing things, forget about them all. Just you two get better. I understand any decision you want to take." Harry said, standing up.
I nodded, standing up, "good to meet you, Mr Ardtole."
"You too." He responded before walking into the hospital.

I sat on the bench again, until she appeared.

"Joe?!" She called. I stood up.. She came.
"Beth!" I responded, running towards her until we were about a metre apart.
We stared into each other's eyes.
"You came.. I thought you hated me." I said.
Sqaishey took a step forward. "On the NewStar, you and I finally became something, I found out for certain that I loved you. Then after I left you had a night of passion with our boss.. But then.. This happened! You got shot Joe! You looked after David through all this time! You lost your child too, Joe." She said, "you lost your baby too.. If I were you I'd be panicking like hell."
I put my hand on her cheek, trying to hold back the tears, I closed my eyes, put a hand on her waist and kissed her.
"What are you doing?!" She gasped,
"Panicking." I replied, kissing her again. She put her hands on my neck until we opened our eyes again and smiled.
"Are you staying in a hotel?" I whispered,
"Why?" She asked, playing with the buttons on my shirt.
"Because unbuttoning my shirt in public might be seen as.. Sightly inappropriate." I replied. She giggled, taking my hand as we walked back to her hotel.

I sat on Lily's hotel bed as she rested her head on my neck.
We still couldn't stop crying.
We were scrolling through Lily's old photos of Sarah.
"This hard drive has all my photos from the last.. Fifteen odd years." She laughed, plugging a memory pen into her laptop.
"Where do you wanna start? Beginning or end?" She asked.
"End." I said. Sipping a glass of wine, wrapping an arm around Lily.
"Well, here's a picture I took of you and Lily at the table the other week in Adelaide." She said. I looked at the photo, Sarah and I were playing a game on my phone, I wasn't aware that Lily had taken that photo but I was so happy she did.
She then proceeded to showing me every single picture she ever took.
"Oh who's that?!" I laughed, looking at a picture of Lily kissing some man.
"Aaggh! Pretend you never saw that!" Lily laughed,
"It's not Peter!" I chuckled,
"Shh! It was me in Vegas before I met him."
I laughed, flicking through all the beautiful pictures of our daughter.
"She was such a cute toddler!" I admired, tears flooding my eyes.
"I can't believe she's gone.." Lily sighed. I wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Lily you were such an amazing mother. So amazing. You brought Sarah up I can't thank you enough."
"But she's dead!" Lily cried,
"But you made her live." I responded. I blinked out a tear, putting a hand on her cheek. She bit her lip, crying. I wrapped my arms around her until I noticed her hand. There was a ring on her left ring finger.
"Lily.. Did Peter propose to you?" I said in shock.
"Y-yeh a couple days ago." She responded.
"That's amazing! Congratulations!" I said, trying to smile.
"There's really nothing amazing right now." Lily sighed.
We flicked through the pictures until Sarah was just a small baby.
And then it was before Sarah was born..
Lily was pregnant, I was taking the photo while kissing Lily's forehead.
"We were so young." I sighed, holding Lily's hand.
The first picture ever taken, Lily and I at Lily's old house in Yorkshire holding up our chemistry test papers.. The night it happened.. The night that changed everything..
The night where it all began.

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