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We walked outside of Harry's house in a bit of shock, really.
"When we first met Harry I hated him, I really did. Everything he said I was like 'up your hole with a big jam roll.' But now.. "
"Yeh.. " laughing slightly,"Yeh, now I actually respect him."
Stampy nodded.
We continued walking until we reached the road.
"Ah. We have a problem." He said.
"We have no car."
"We also have no phone or money."

So stampy and I proceeded to walking the five mile walk back to the harbour.
"We've barely been walking over five minutes and I'm exhausted.." stampy sighed, his eyes widening in tiredness.
"Well you've only got one arm to balance yourself with. I'm not surprised." I said, linking an arm with his un-slung one.
"Mate.. I am really happy for you and Nicole, I think that it's amazing about your engagement but.. mate you've just lost your daughter..  I'm glad that you are happy but.. don't you ever think that you got over this too soon? Don't you think about Lily?"
My stomach jolted. I felt hurt.
"Do you seriously think I could just forget something like that? Not a minute goes by when I don't think of Sarah. I can't smile without feeling guilty. But I can act! Stampy you know rightly that I'm not okay! That I'm not over this! But that doesn't mean that I have to cry and cry and cry! I proposed to Nicole not just because I love her, but because I want her to think that I'm okay. I don't ever want her to worry about me.. to answer your question: yes. I do think about Lily. I do think about Sarah. And it kills me." I already felt tears welling up, I couldn't be like this now.
All of a sudden a car started beeping its horn at us, I turned around to see Nicole driving up behind us in her BMW.
Back into character David!
"Hey you two!" Nicole greeted, sticking her head out the window.
"Thank God you turned up!" I laughed, still trying to keep in the tears. I leant up to the window and gave her an eyes-open kiss. I was still thinking about everything that happened..
I opened the door for Joe, he sat in the front seat and I sat in the back.
Joe started talking to Nicole in the front, he knew that I needed some time for myself.
I stared at the endless fields out the window.
Sarah should be here.. me and Sarah in the car, looking around this huge world. But she's gone and I'm ignoring it...
a tear slipped out of my eye.
Keep it together! Don't let it slip!
"So how's my fiancé?" Nicole asked from the front, looking at me from the wing mirror.
My big puffy red eyes widened,
"Your fiancé is great!" I laughed enthusiastically. "How's my fiancé?" I asked, putting my hands on her shoulders and kissing her cheek as I leaned forward.
I leaned back into the seat where Nicole couldn't see me in the wing mirror.
I saw Joe looking back at me, shaking his head in disappointment. I mined 'please' and covered my lips with my index finger. I didn't want him to tell Nicole I was still 'troubled'.

When we got to the harbour Beth was already there, as were a few other people.
"Oh my god is that Ash and James?"
"-and Amy and Netty?"
"Speedy?! Oh my god!"
I got out of the car, my stomach hurt keeping in all the emotion but I had to be happy.
"Hey dude!" Ash said as everyone crowded round.
"Hey!" I laughed, giving everyone a hug. "How are you guys?!" I asked.
"Not bad mate! Sucks not having you back at home!"
"Well I'm half way!" I laughed. Still feeling awful inside.
"We saved you one." James said, giving me a beer.
I took the top of the bottle between my two fingers. "Thank you mate!" I said, taking off the lid.
"Not a problem." He replied as I took a gulp.
"Hello lovely!" Amy greeted kissing my cheek.
"Hello my dear how are you!" I said, giving her a french kiss.
"Darling?!" She gasped holding out my hand with the engagement ring.
"Yes?" I said, smiling.
She screamed a little bit before hugging me.
"Aww I missed you guys!" I said as we had a group hug. I wanted to be happy, I wanted to be so happy.. but was Joe right? Had I gotten over Sarah too quick?
I downed the rest of the beer and threw it into the bin.
Time to go... I thought.
"We should probably set off before it gets dark." Joe said. Wow can he read my mind?
I blankly smiled.
"Hey are you alright mate?" Ash asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I nodded. "It's.. been a long week." I sighed, closing my eyes in exhaustion.
"I'm fine, really mate, don't worry." I said, smiling, patting his shoulder.
"You sure?"
"Mmm.. yeah." I told him, he passed me another beer.
"You look like you needed one of these." He said as I opened another beer.
"You know me too well." I said, hugging him before I walked over to the boat and started untying it.
I set my bottle down on the ground as Nicole walked up to me.
I spread my arms out and hugged her.
"I'm gonna miss you." She said, putting her hands on my cheeks,
"I'll see you when I get home." I told her, grinning.
"I'll be waiting on the beach with the dogs." She said, nudging her nose against mine. "And quite possibly someone else..." she looked down at her stomach.
"No...!" She's not pregnant is she?
"It is quite possible, but no promises." She giggled. I just smiled, whispering in her ear, "you're my world."
She smiled before whispering back, "then go and sail around me."

We were just about about to leave. It felt like when we were back in England.
I walked up to Sqaishey and kissed her lightly on the lips.
"I'll miss you." She said, that was just what she said in England.
"I'll miss you too." I replied, smiling, she knew I was referencing when I was about to leave for the first time.
"Promise you'll come back to me." She asked with a glimmer of sadness in her eyes,
"I'll always come back. Always." I promised.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now