Kings and Queens

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After drugging four people including myself, yesterday -or which i assumed was yesterday- I felt as though I needed to make it up to them.
However, I had no idea what to do.
Beth wasn't awake yet, and I had no intention of waking her. So I just wrapped my arms around her and rested her head on my chest.
I ease-dropped into the conversation David and Nicole were having at the front of the ship.
"I didn't know you were coming to Auckland." David said, taking off his shirt and using it as a mat to sunbathe on.
"I heard someone had died.. and thought that-"
"It's was me." David intruded. Sitting up and staring at Nicole. Nicole raised an eyebrow and bent her head,
"Sorry?" She said,
"I mean- sorry. Just forget I spoke." He said, putting his sunglasses on before the red eyes were visible.
"Did you know the person who died very well?"
"Not well enough." He replied. His blacked-out glasses steamed up.

Nicole's mouth dropped, she held onto Davids hands and whispered the name "Sarah."
David nodded as Nicole wrapped her arms around him.
"How is Lily?" She said again, looking David in the eyes.
"Not good." He replied before shaking himself, "but y'know these things happen!" He took off his sunglasses and wiped his face, "why waste a beautiful day moaning about something I can't change!"
He put his hands in Nicole's cheeks. "Let's have some fun." He said, kissing her forehead.
Just as he said that Beth's eyes opened.
"Hi." I whispered, brushing the hair out of her face.
"Hi." She replied. Looking beautiful. I was pretty sure that she wasn't wearing makeup, however her eyes still looked amazing.
"What have you done?" She giggled, crawling on top of me. I lifted her up bridal style and showed her the sea.
"What have you done?!!" She repeated, I let her down and she swept her hair back.
"So we're all up now?" David greeted, climbing down onto the main deck where we were, he patted my back and greeted Beth with a kiss on the cheek.
"Anyone up for a drive?" He asked, sitting down on the driving seat.
"Fire her up." I said, running up front to lift the anchor.
As I was heaving up the anchor chain Beth came over to me, put a hand in my cheek and kissed me, surprising me,
"Ooh! That was nice!" I complimented, catching the anchor and placing it on the boat.
I put my hands on her hips and kissed her neck,
"Excuse me! Can you nibble her neck somewhere else?! I'm trying to see here!" David yelled, we giggled, walking over to where David was.
"So where are you heading?" I asked him, resting my elbow on his shoulder.
"Just around the tropics, a bit closer to land. Looks prettier." He said, "by the way does anyone know the date or the time?"
I looked around for my phone.
"The 29th December." I said.. "wait that means we were asleep for over a day."
"What the hell?! Jeez we were sleepy."
"Yeh it's almost like you drugged us or something." Beth laughed,
"Ha ha... no..." David and I had an uneasy look at each other biting our bottom lip with wide, eyes.
"I pressure you guys are hungry." I offered,
"Beth and I'll cook you up something in the kitchen." Nicole said,
"Wait-" I intruded, running down to the kitchen to see that everything is in order. I lock the cupboard with the guns in it, I throw away all the yucky stuff that's being lying in the boat for god-knows-how-long.
I then proceed to running back upstairs and sitting back down in the seat, noticing everyone staring at me.
"Oh, y'know, just making sure that girl I've been hiding in the cupboard isn't out." I joked.
The two girls went down the stairs as Joe and I sat, driving the boat.

"So.. you two are keen," I complimented, "although you should be looking at her eyes and not at her bootie."
"I'm not looking at her bum!" He defended.
"We can hear you!!"
"C'mon when's the last time you had some with Nicole?" Joe whispered,
"Had what?" I asked pretending to be an innocent little kid with know idea what this dirty-minded adult was talking about.
"Y'know, put the snake in the boot, give her a big ol' smooch."
I just laughed, "Adelaide." I told him, taking a sip of water. "What about you?" I asked,
He blushed, "Auckland." He chuckled.
"Oh! Okay!" I laughed.
"I met Harry Ardtole by the way." Joe said,
"Oh really, what did he look like?"
"He's at least seventy years old, he's got a wife in hospital and.. yeah."
My mouth dropped a little with sympathy, "poor old man. Someone's gonna nab his job eventually, unfortunately."
He nodded, then switched the topic altogether.
"What you did took a lot of courage." He told me, this time I didn't know what he was talking about (although even if I did I'd probably pretend I didn't just to sound modest and flattered) so I just replied with, "what?"
"You just brushed off the whole Sarah topic with Nicole."
"So you were ease-dropping." I said, smiling.
"You need to go and give her a big ol' slobbery kiss." He told me.
"I will I will.. just not right now." I said, feeling awkward about the whole thing.
Joe then, much to my utter despair, ran down into the kitchen.
"Nicole! Dave needs you!" He called, mortifying me.
"Joe! Satan needs you!" I called back, hearing him laugh downstairs.
Nicole walked up and leant beside me,
"I take it you don't actually need me." She laughed.
"Nope I need you to drive the boat." I told her, standing up and giving her my seat.
She sat down on the chair and put her hands on the wheel, I sat behind her and put my legs around hers. She shivered.
"Go getting a bit tense there gorgeous." I asked, nudging my nose on her neck.
"Ooh stop you've given me a job." She giggled.
"Well you see if I flick this little switch," I flicked a blue switch, "it puts the boat in autopilot.. so it just keeps going.. in this case.. south east."
"I love it when you sound all technological and educated." Nicole flirted, I picked her up and sat her down on the roof beside me.
"I also think you look hot in this shirt." She added.
"I'm not wearing a shirt... oh.."
then on came the fingers and the thumbs and the stampy-opening-a-window-and-being-scarred-for-life and then dinner.
Dinner consisted of penne pasta with a white wine creamy sauce, a few chunks of chicken and bacon and tiny cubes of potato.
Honesty- the best dinner I'd had in months (don't tell stamps, he's very proud of his curries).
The night ended with everyone playing a game of cards in our bedroom. We hadn't organised where we were going to sleep but honestly, I didn't mind. We were just playing a game when we lay down on the bed, and, for some lazy stupid reason (probably the alcohol) , all four of us fell asleep in the one little queen sized bed.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now