Shark Attack!

180 11 21

For some reason Joe and I always seem to get up at the same time. I opened my eyes and looked around at our busy bed, we all seemed to be.. basically connected.
My head was resting on Beth's back, my hand was on Stampy's arm and Nicole was basically right on top of me.
I let go of Joe's arm as our weary eyes squinted open.
"Hey." He whispered, I tried to manoeuvre myself into a less awkward position without waking anyone up.
"I just slept with your girlfriend." I told him,
"I just slept with your girlfriend." He laughed.
"Well there's a first time for everything." I laughed, looking up at Nicole.
"We should probably get back to Auckland soon." I said, looking up at the skylight.
"I could just stay here forever." He said, putting one arm around Beth and another around me.
I was comforted by the fact that to him, Beth and I were of equal importance. Nicole's eyes opened,
"Morning." I whispered, rolling over and giving her a quick kiss.
"You look horrible today." She told me.
"Thanks love." I laughed.
When the dawn rose and we eventually got out of bed we started making our way back to Auckland.
Sqaishey seemed to loose herself playing my keyboard as Nicole couldn't stop laughing at the fact we kept a motorbike in the bathroom.

Stampy was upstairs driving the boat while Nicole and I lay in bed. I had my arms wrapped around her as she lay on top of me with her legs separated.
"It's been a while since we've been like this." She said, wrapping her arms around my back. I was sliding my hands up her shirt when stampy screamed at the top of his huge voice.
My eyes widened, I pulled my hands off her and ran up on deck.
"What happened?!" I asked, looking around until I saw it...
I was absolutely terrified of sharks. I assume that everyone else here was too.
"What's wrong?" Nicole asked, walking up the stairs.
"Nothing!" We both replied, looking at each other.
Nicole proceeded to walking back down the stairs, I closed the door down to the cabins and looked at Joe.
"What the hell do we do?" I asked, picking up the binoculars.
"Not die." He said, I couldn't find the shark anywhere.
"Do you know what type it is?" I asked him.
"A big one- great white?"
All of a sudden the boat took a huge jolt as a giant shark leaped onto the back of the boat.
I had never screamed so loudly and hardly in all my life as the water splashed me and the shark jumped half way onto the boat.
"What the hell is going on up there?!" Nicole yelled.
"NOTHING!!" We screamed back, "don't come up! Do not come up!!" I yelled.
The shark was still half on the boat, flapping and jumping about, it was about the same height as me, just a lot wider.
Joe and I both ran to the very front of the boat, terrified for our limbs.
"Right- what do we do?!" I asked him,
"Stick? Something to hit it with- shall I google it?"
"No God dammit! We've got no time!"
I then had an idea.
"Let's whack him with the ores," I said, "I don't want to kill him but I want him to get off."
I was too in shock to do anything. We both just stood staring at the huge shark with our mouths wide open before we looked at each other, grabbed an ore and, screaming, ran over to the shark and started batting him with the ores, trying to push him off.
This, much to our disappointment was doing next to nothing. Hardly fazing the shark.
So we ran back to the front of the boat to think up plan: B.
We looked in horror at the shark which started bouncing it's way towards us.
"Nicole! Hand me up the biggest bit of raw chicken you can find! Quickly!!" I yelled.
The shark started jumping over to us, we need a bigger boat!!!
"Dave you're a great friend." Joe told me as we looked terrified at the teeth-bearing monster, Joe starting gripping an arm which was out of site for me.
"Yeh, so are you. Nice knowing you." I replied, shaking in fear.
Then the window below us opened and Nicole threw out a raw piece of chicken. I caught it, catching the shark's attention.
Please work please work please work! I thought to myself, standing completely still and throwing the meat into the sea. The shark hopped after it, back into the water.
Joe and I looked at each other in relief before falling to the ground.
Nicole and Beth ran upstairs as Joe and I lay on the ground trying to catch our breath. I just closed my eyes in shock and relief.
"Are you guys okay?!" Nicole asked.
"Love, go change that lever by the steering wheel from 10knots to 50, please." I said. We needed to get out of here.
I turned and looked at Joe.
"Are you alright?" I asked him, he had curled in a ball.
"Yeh.." He moaned, I walked up to him and was shocked to see that his arm was covered in blood.
"Mate did he get you?!" I gasped, looking at his arm.
"He had a little nibble, yeh." He replied, his jaw shaking in pain.
"Beth get the first aid kit!" I yelled. "Does it hurt?" I asked, stupidly. Of course it hurts, he's had a chunk of the skin ripped off his arm!
"I think I'm gonna faint." He sighed, breathing heavily and frequent.
"You're okay, you'll be fine." I whispered as his eyes reached the top of his head and he went unconscious.
Nicole and Beth surrounded him in fear. I opened the first aid kit, splashing iodine all over the wound to try and disinfect it. I tilted his head back and placed a paracetamol tablet in the back of his throat and washed it down with water. I then bandaged up his arm carefully and gently.
It wasn't a deep would, but a huge part of the skin on his forearm had been ripped off by that bloody shark.
I lifted Joe up, with the help of Beth, down stairs into the bedroom. It was surprisingly easier to lift him with two people rather than one.
When we set him down on the bed Beth sat up beside him and Nicole sat beside me. We sat in silence until Nicole asked me,
"Tell me about Sarah."
My eyes widened, I looked around at everyone, feeling awkward talking about my insecurities.
But then I just said it all, describing her inch by inch, every detail physical and emotional about her, every time she smiled her eyes narrowed, making a really cheeky intimidating face that you couldn't not love. It was the first time I described her death without crying. What?! Am I beginning to get over her? Move on?
I told myself that I could go on, that I could do this. Drop Beth and Nicole off at Auckland, see Harry for a bit before setting off to New York.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now