The Slip

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Stampy and I sat on Courtney's patio, watching the sun set in the humid sky until Courtney handed me a bottle of wine with three glasses. I popped open the bottle before pouring the almost clear liquid into the glasses.
I read the bottle,
"Twenty-two percent.. Woo that's strong!" I said, spinning the liquid in my glass,
"Trust me, this stuff is divine." Courtney replied, sitting down beside Joe and lifting her glass.
"What age are you anyway?" Courtney asked,
"Thirty." Joe replied,
"Wow! The big three oh! And you're sitting by a pool in Adelaide with your boss and your friend."
"Yeh- not quite how I imagined I'd celebrate my thirtieth!" Joe laughed,
"Well anyway! Cheers to you! Happy Birthday mate!" I said, clashing our glasses together, it was the night before his thirtieth.. What was gonna happen...?

"So Mrs Holt are we still fired or..?"
"No, of course you aren't! Yeh.. That was part of the .. Act, I guess. Jeez I really regret doing all that."
"Who's idea was it?" I asked,
"It was actually your brother Tom's- about the whole me faking my death thing, and your terminated channels."
"Tom? Was he in on all that crap with my dad as well?" I asked myself rhetorically.
"Wait- when you went home.. What exactly happened?" Courtney asked,
"Dad went money crazy and basically tried to kill anyone I would possibly give money to in my will."
"What?! That's insane!"
"Well.. People change." I said, looking at Joe.
"And Joe.. What's been going on with you?"
"Oh.. The usual, sitting on a boat with a stupid name sailing with a stupid friend."
"Hey I'm not stupid!" I laughed, "and the Stamping Squid is beautiful name."

As the night progressed we learned more about Courtney Holt, single, 29 years old, and honestly she was pretty gorgeous. A pretty blonde who was insanely clever, wearing a dress which was far too revealing but very flattering.
However as midnight passed, we had all consumed far too much alcohol.
When darkness had fallen, Courtney had put on some music.
"Hey Courts, where'd your bathroom go?" I asked,
"First on your left, oh Joe can you help me with something in here?" When Courtney and Joe walked into another room, I walked into the bathroom. I was a beautiful some room with tropical plants growing inside and a huge wave of temptation made me sit in the beautiful stone bath.

I followed Courtney into her bedroom, stumbling around the wooden floors I asked Courtney what she needed help with, Courtney just stood in front of me with her back to me,
"You couldn't unzip my dress for me?" She asked,
"Sure." I said, not really wondering why she was asking me to do this.
It was when she turned around and kissed me, the penny dropped.

I closed my eyes and slept for about fifteen minutes before panicking and washing my hands and leaving the bathroom.
But Courtney and Joe were still not out of the other room yet.
I decided to look through the key hole, it was difficult to see as my mind was intoxicated, my eyes were blurry and my feet were unstable. But when my eyes focused I was scarred to see clothes scattered about the floor with Joe leaning Courtney against the wall.
I gasped and put my back to the door, "are you guys almost done in there?!" I called, pretending that I didn't know what they were doing.
About five minutes later Joe stumbled out of the room, buttoning up his shirt.
"I think we gotta take you home mate!" I said, putting an arm around his shoulder,
"Oooh! You would not guess what happened in there!" Joe giggled, falling all over the place, I opened the front door and left with Joe beside me.
"I think I could." I replied, smiling, trying to keep my eyes focused.
"Oh you couldn't! I undid her dress and she turned around and I saw-"
"Okay! Okay! Shut up! I get it! But what about Sqaishey?" I replied,
"What about her? I don't love Courtney we were just having fun."
"Pfft you're disgusting man!"
"Says the guy who got a seventeen year old pregnant!"
"Yeah but you're thirty!" I shook my head and laughed with him.
"She was very-"
"Shut the pluck up!" I laughed as we both wobbled down footpath towards the dock.
"Squiddy darling?" Stampy asked,
"Y-" I wheezed, "yes?"
"There appears to be a small crowd beside our boat."
"Oh... Well shit.." We both laughed, "how the hell are we supposed to get on?"
"Swim?" Stampy suggested,
"No, we're both far too drunk, we'd drown."
"Then why don't we just.. Sort of.. Walk on?" Stampy asked.
"Yeh alright."

We continued to walk towards the port,
"I swear, Stamps did you.. Is there a possibility that you got her pregnant?"
"Boy I hope not!"
"So there's a possibility?"
"Yeh, but probably not."
"Oh my god." I face planted, "I can't believe you just hooked up with our boss!"
"Ah she'll forget about it by tomorrow."
"Will she now?" I asked, laughing. We were beside the port.
"Now Joe, we have to pretend that we are sober, okay? We have had nothing to drink, and we never even saw Courtney, okay?"
"Okay, I've got it." Joe said, stumbling.
"Stand up straight!" I whispered, nudging him.
The crowd of about ten people walked over to us,
"H-hi guys." I said to everyone,
"Hi squid, hi Stampy."
"I've had nothing to drink! I'm so thirsty! And I never even saw my boss!" Joe yelled,
"Stah-" I face planted, trying not to laugh, "stamps get on the boat." I chuckled, pulling the rope and moving the boat towards us, lifting Joe up onto the boat.
Joe sat on the deck facing the crowd, "it's after midnight! I'm thirty! Woo hoo!" He yelled putting his hands up celebrating.
"Yeh, it's three o'clock in the morning so shut up!" I replied, laughing. Before climbing onto the boat,
"It smells like parsley in here.." Joe said, starting to speak his mind.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" One of the girls asked,
"Yep, we'll be here for about five days." I replied,
"Five days! You hear that! Exclusive five days only!" Joe added,
"Expect not to see you up too early tomorrow." One of the older boys said, laughing,
"Shh! Don't let the kids know!" I chuckled, taking the keys out of my pocket and unlocking the cabins on our boat.
"Night Squid, happy birthday Stamps." They said, before walking away,
"Night guys." I replied. Waving, watching them walk away, as I did, I noticed a girl in a house opposite the pier looking out of the window. She looked mid twenties and she had short blonde hair, I felt like I recognised her, a face from the past..
But I shook this off before I walked down into the cabins where Stampy lay on the sofa.
"What a nice group of kids." He said,
"Weren't they ju-" the boat jolted slightly, Joe and I fell onto the floor in the corridor.
We continued to lie on the floor as the boat rocked back and forth, not bothering to go into bed.
"I have an international reputation, Squid." Stampy sighed.
"What for?" I muttered,
"No idea... Minecraft something 'r other."

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now